Real estate video editor
Produce professional-quality real estate videos in minutes with Clipchamp. From virtual open houses to realtor profiles, it's easy to create exciting content that converts.
Create content that converts
Time-saving templates
Real estate is a fast-paced industry, there's no time to spare. That's why our team has prepared a real estate video template collection to get your videos finished faster.
Brand building tools
Consistency is the key to creating a great real estate brand. Produce strongly-branded intros to your videos with our real estate video editor. Find fonts, colors, and effects that fit your style and even add your logo.
Platform perfect
No matter where you share your real estate videos, Clipchamp has the right aspect ratios for you. Choose 16:9 for your YouTube channel, 1:1 for Instagram or 9:16 for TikTok.
独自のメディアをアップロードするか、当社のライブラリからストックをアップロード (1)
ダイナミックな動画編集で視線を釘付けにしよう。デザイナー イントロ テンプレートを使うほか、 アニメーション動画の背景、モーション タイトル、サウンド効果を組み合わせて、視聴者の心に訴えかけましょう。
以下のような人気の動画効果を利用して、動画を魅力的にしましょう VHS フィルターやグリッチ効果、 スムーズ トランジション。
エクスポートして共有する (1)
Need help with real estate videos?
Not sold on DIY real estate videos? Our blog is here to help with research, tips, and tricks to get that property off the market. With step-by-step tutorials and template recommendations, you'll be ready to start creating in no time.