Reel video templates
From Instagram sale ads to daily vlogs, find creative vertical templates that are sure to get views and engagement on Instagram. Make upbeat Instagram videos with ready-to-use templates, replace the text, free stock music and animated graphics to suit your video needs.
TikTok video templates
Master short video creation with TikTok templates that follow the latest editing trends and video aesthetics. If you want to join a TikTok challenge, post a UGC review or promote your product with a sales promo video, there’s the right editable template for you.
Gaming video templates
Make pro gaming videos like reaction videos, highlight videos and gaming intros with these dynamic editable video templates. You can also add exclusive backgrounds and stickers from leading games Minecraft and Sea of Thieves to level up your gaming videos.
Quickly create videos with editable templates
Edit video templates that are perfect for beginners—just drag and drop to replace video elements.
Get inspired by browsing curated collections with professional video templates for social media and corporate needs.
Save time with ready-to-use templates when you need to batch create videos for your content calendar.

Edit templates with the perfect stock media
Access over 1 million royalty-free stock videos, images, video backgrounds, music and sound effects in the content library.
Discover content collections for any video theme like holidays, abstract, retail and business.
Combine stock media with amazing video transitions, titles, animated lower thirds, subscribe panels, and more.

New templates from global designers
Browse 100 new Clipchamp video templates made by diverse designers across the globe.
Stand out from the crowd with the unique free and premium video graphics and elements in video templates.
Search the content library by designer’s name to discover templates that suit your video aesthetic.

Learn how to customize a video template
Check out this step-by-step guide on how to edit a video template in Clipchamp.


無料版にこれだけの機能が付いているとは思いもしませんでした。驚いたと同時に、これだけ機能が充実していてユーザーフレンドリな動画編集サイトを無料で使えることにとても感謝しています。使っていてとても満足できました。Clipchamp は私のソーシャル メディア コンテンツに使うメインの動画編集ソフトウェアです。

Clipchamp の使いやすさが気に入りました。すごい動画が作れる世界への扉が、本当にすべての人に開放されたのです。経験やスキルがなくても関係ありません。クリエイターを目指す人も、経験豊富なブイロガーも、Clipchamp ならニーズを満たすことができます。