Video Speed Controller
Looking to download your video after changing the speed to slow or fast? Use Clipchamp's online video editor to control your video speed without leaving your browser.

Make ultra-fast or slow-motion videos in a few minutes.
Follow the steps below to change your video speed using our easy online video editor.
Upload video clips or choose from our video stock library
Upload your own media files or select clips from our vast stock library of 800k+ to start your project. You can also add directly from your smartphone device, Google Drive and Box.

Add the videos to speed up or slow down
Drag and drop your video onto the timeline. Select your clip and make sure it has a green border around it. Next, click 'Speed' on the control panel and change your video speed to Slow, Normal and Fast. You can slow it down to 0.1x speed or speed it up to 16x.

Export and share your video
Once you’ve changed your video speed, it’s time to export and share. Select the resolution and aspect ratio and export!

Need more help to use the video speed controller?
If you're still not sure how to use Clipchamp's video speed controller, our blog is here to help.