

Abstract image representing different video editing elements in Clipchamp


Pink video file icon


编辑您的视频,无需斥巨资即可打造大制作电影!无论技能水平如何,您都可以创建专业视频内容。剪辑、裁剪、旋转,甚至使用绿幕特效、AI 文本、语音旁白和动画标题等效果以及其他专业功能。



无论观众通过哪种设备观看—智能手机、笔记本电脑或电视屏幕,都能给他们留下深刻印象。以 MP4 格式保存并导出您的高清分辨率电影视频文件。

Purple download icon


轻松将您的电影保存到笔记本电脑,或选择 Clipchamp 的保存和共享集成之一,如 YouTube、TikTok、LinkedIn、OneDrive 等。如果您的电影太大而无法通过电子邮件发送,只需复制并分享视频的独特 Clipchamp 链接。

How to make a movie in Clipchamp 

  1. Upload your media or select stock footage  

  2. Trim, crop, resize media 

  3. Adjust colors and add video effects 

  4. Enhance audio and add background music 

  5. Add transitions and movie titles 

  6. Save your video in 1080p or 4K

An image of a user editing a video in Clipchamp.




Green screen and clipchamp effects




Video background music in Clipchamp

Achieve a movie-like result

  • Use the typewriter text or credits roll animation to thank your cast and crew.  

  • Generate automatic subtitles to make your movie accessible and easy-to-follow.  

  • Add your production house or brand logo if you’re making a short film.  

  • Create a movie trailer using the video resizer.

使用 Clipchamp 的免费库存视频在几分钟内制作一部电影

从超过 100 万个库存图像和视频中选择,然后拖放并编辑!

Read our related guides


借助精美的库存视频资产,在几秒钟内为你的视频注入生命力。 无论是制作 YouTube 片头、演示文稿还是社交媒体广告,库存视频和图形都能提高视频的吸引力,填补空白,让你的视频看起来更专业。…

How to enhance your video quality

Want to improve your video’s quality by adjusting colors, brightness, and saturation?…

為你的视频增色的 10 種音訊編輯技巧

想要使用音频协助增强视频的惊人效果吗? 从社交媒体短视频和故事到益智视频,使用我们轻松和实用的音频编辑技巧,将任何视频转变为杰作。 这个实用的清单充满快速、免费和轻松的音频编辑技巧,让你使用…

Frequently asked questions

  • Our online movie maker is packed with features suited to new video editors which can be achieved with drag-and-drop editing. Create green screen effects, add AI voiceovers, animated titles, stock footage, transitions, and more to your videos with ease.

  • Yes, our stock library content is royalty-free and cleared for your personal use. You can add free or premium stock content to your videos with no worries. Explore high quality stock videos, music, and video elements to build a video from scratch or enhance your videos in our content library. To enjoy access to the full stock library, consider upgrading your account.

  • Yes, you can edit online or download the Clipchamp app to easily create and edit amazing videos on your Windows device. Clipchamp is the official video editor for Windows.

  • Clipchamp video editor supports a wide range of audio and video files so you can get started no matter where you create your media. Learn more about supported audio and video formats here.

Clipchamp 是新的 Windows 电影制作器

Clipchamp—充分利用 PC 的 Web 应用程序—已加入 Microsoft!

开始使用 Microsoft 和 Clipchamp 自信地创建视频。

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