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광고 동영상은 구매 의사를 97%까지 높일 수 있습니다. 동영상만큼 시선을 끌고 머무르게 하는 것은 단연코 없으니까요!
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소규모 비즈니스를 위한 광고 동영상 아이디어 탐색
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Increase brand awareness with YouTube video ads
Create entertaining and informative product ads that capture attention and enter prospects into your sales funnel.
Pitch products and services using professional voiceovers, animated text, and subtitles for accessibility and inclusivity.
Make ads more engaging and convey your brand identity with dynamic video effects, filters, and sticker overlays.

Transform your marketing videos
Easily edit any marketing video using professional tools like trimming, rotating, cropping, and video transitions.
Use AI video tools like the subtitle generator and speaker coach to enhance the quality of your marketing and sales videos.
Repurpose your longform YouTube videos into ads on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram using the video resizer.

Need more help customizing commercial video templates?
Follow this beginner-friendly tutorial on how to personalize video templates to make pro video ads.

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비디오 마케팅을 활용하여 브랜드를 구축하는 3가지 방법
Frequently asked questions
Is the Clipchamp video editor free?
How long is a video commercial?
Where should I share my video commercial?