Video Marketing

Brand Building: 3 Simple Video Marketing Tactics You Need to Use

Posted November 3, 2020
Written by Shane Barker

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Videos are a powerful growth hacking tool.

You need a strong video marketing strategy in place if you want your business to grow.

Through video, you can promote your brand name, brand message, define what your brand is all about, and showcase your point of difference to customers.

The more video content you use for marketing, the more you’ll strengthen your brand’s positioning in the market. It can then become easier for you to take creative risks that are likely to bring in bigger returns for your business.

Video marketing for brand building Clipchamp video editor

Why should you use video marketing instead of other avenues?

It’s because people love to watch and engage with videos! Video content like tutorials, demos, product videos, and brand stories help boost your brand-building efforts in various ways. Notably:

  • Videos help differentiate your brand from your competitors

  • Videos make it easier for you to connect with your target audience

  • Video content can help you increase trust, loyalty, and customer retention

  • Videos let you explain everything in detail helping form stronger connections

Let’s take a closer look at how to use different types of videos for brand building.

Step 1: Create videos that highlight your brand

Focus all your video making efforts on showcasing your brand, products, and what makes you unique, without annoying your audience.

How can you do this?

You should craft a solid marketing plan to promote your brand using videos.

For this you need to first find out:

  • What makes your brand unique? Why should customers choose your brand?

  • Who are your ideal buyers and what do they consider important?

  • Is there an overlap between what makes you unique and what your audience cares about?

Then, focus on these micro-moments when coming up with your video strategy.

For example:

Lush, a cosmetics company, does video marketing exceptionally well. Their video strategy involves the use of brand-related stories, tutorials, product videos, and more.

They use videos to showcase their uniqueness while also building trust and strong audience relationships. Lush’s messages advance their brand as a whole and are not always aimed at making a quick sale.

Brand building with video - easy video marketing and video editing

Video via Youtube

Step 2: Use videos to enhance brand recognition

When building your brand with a branding strategy, your goal is to help your audience recognize your company based on an audio or visual cue.

For example:

You can make your audience recognize your brand from the company logo, a specific catchphrase, or the beginning of a song.

Why should you care about brand recognition?

  • When your consumers instantly recognize your company, it makes it easier for you to introduce and promote your new products or services.

  • It can make consumers start associating your brand with positive experiences, leading to enhanced brand loyalty and customer retention.

  • Building brand recognition can help you make consumers trust your brand more than the brands they don’t know much about.

But how can you use videos to build brand recognition? For powerful video marketing, you should:

  • Use consistent aesthetics (look and feel) that your audience can recognize such as your logo, fonts, layouts, and music

  • Use familiar voices and faces that people can relate to

  • Use clear calls-to-action (CTAs)

  • Collaborate with influencers to amplify the reach of your videos

  • Partner with brands that align with your values and have the same target audience.

For example:

BuzzFeed collaborates with various animal rescue and adoption centers to create videos that people can emotionally connect with.

Here is one such video:

Brand building with video - easy video marketing and video editing

Video via Youtube

BuzzFeed frequently features celebrities in their videos to promote the adoption of animals. They create interesting and engaging content featuring adorable animals that their audience enjoys watching.

What’s more?

They add compelling CTAs at the end of each video to encourage viewers to take action. As a result, BuzzFeed is able to boost their video views and help the animal rescue and adoption centers attract more animal lovers.

Pro Tip: Making your branding videos viral over social media using social media tools is a great way to boost your brand value. You can achieve this goal through robust social media campaigning.

Step 3: Make your videos engaging and informative

Your videos should offer value to your audience, engage them, and draw out some form of emotion. They should be compelling enough for the viewer to watch them till the end and fall in love with your brand.

What should you do to ensure that viewers can connect with your videos on a personal level?

You should follow these video making tips:

  • Keep the message simple but strong. Use fun and straightforward messaging even if you’re diving into complex ideas.

  • Offer value. How will your video content help your audience or improve their lives? Address the pain points of your consumers and offer solutions.

  • Avoid corporate jargon and technical speak – keep it conversational.

  • Think about the viewer's emotions – what do you want them to feel or think after watching the video?

  • Ensure great production, including lighting and clear audio.

  • Be authentic.

Squarespace’s “Make a Website” ad featuring Idris Elba and Lolly Adefope is a perfect example of such an ad.

Brand building with video example - youtube video editor

Video via Youtube

And what makes this video great?

  • It addresses the problems people face while trying to build a website.

  • It is entertaining, compelling, authentic, hilarious, and connects with people.

  • They’ve leveraged faces people adore by making them their brand ambassadors.

Ready to build your brand using videos?

As you can see, it’s very rewarding to plan out a video marketing campaign for brand building. However, your videos need to:

  • Appeal to the emotions of your audience

  • Improve the lives of your target consumers

  • Offer value or educate viewers

  • Inspire the audience

  • Entertain viewers and help build connections

  • Showcase your competitive point of difference

If your videos succeed in doing all this, chances are that your audience will remember your brand when they are ready to purchase.

Do you need more tips on how to use video marketing for brand building? Let us know what exactly you need help with and we’ll be happy to offer more practical tips.

About the author: Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, content marketing, and SEO. He is the co-founder of Attrock, a digital marketing agency. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities. Connect with Shane on Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram.

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