Articles tagged 'Video Editing'

What is native resolution in film and video?

April 29, 2021
Noticed that the same video looks different on different devices? The videos we watch…

What is an L-Cut in video editing?

April 28, 2021
The world of video editing has a variety of tips and tricks that you can learn and…

What is a master shot?

April 27, 2021
The master shot is one of the most important shots to understand when it comes to…

Import photos and videos using our Google Photos integration

April 21, 2021
Last December we released Clipchamp’s Google Drive Import/Export functionality, made…

What is white balance? How to perfect white balance in video production?

April 19, 2021
Different lighting conditions and camera settings can impact color casts, which can…

How to make Etsy product videos to increase sales

April 15, 2021
What better way to compel an online shopper than with a 360-degree video showcasing…

What is a J-Cut in video editing?

April 14, 2021
Video creators are always coming up with creative ways to play with the dynamics…

Exploring the use of foley in film

April 13, 2021
While it's easy to forget, the sound is 50% of any film! It’s absolutely essential…

How to make a letterbox video

April 12, 2021
Stop the scroll with letterbox videos. Perfect for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn…

7 Advantages of using training videos

April 9, 2021
Working with a virtual team situated all across the globe from the comfort of your…

How to make a promo video

April 7, 2021
Want to capture your audience's attention and boost sales faster? Creating eye-catching…

How to slow down a video

April 6, 2021
If you want to emphasize a clip's emotion (or prolong an embarrassing moment!), speed…

Start creating free videos with Clipchamp