Video Marketing

8 Common video marketing mistakes you should avoid 

Posted December 28, 2020
Written by Adela Belin

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What makes a video successful? Most people would say using a good camera, shooting the video where there is enough lighting, or going viral. 

Even though this is true, the reality is that an audience makes a video successful. Why? Video has a close relationship with customer satisfaction and retention. 

As such, brands and marketers need videos to keep customers happy and returning for more. But coming up with viable video or video marketing strategies that would keep customers glued to your product has its challenges.

In this guide, we will dive into video marketing mistakes marketers make and ways to avoid them. But first, what are the benefits of video marketing?

  • Has the best ROI, according to 89% of marketers.

  • Ideal for explaining complex subjects or product demos.

  • Views retain more information from video than on text. That makes video a great medium for passing information.

  • 54% of consumers prefer video content over other types of content. Video is thus the best content form of keeping customers engaged.

  • Increases conversion rates. Studies show that videos on a landing page increase conversion by 86%.

  • Helps generate leads.

  • Increases website traffic.

8 video marketing mistakes you must avoid

8 crosses - 8 common video marketing mistakes your should avoid at all costs - clipchamp blog
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1. Over-selling

Each person has a reason for skipping a video or scrolling to watch a video. Most often, we want to be informed, educated, or entertained. If a video is too promotional, your audience will disengage from your brand.

So what should you do instead? Aim to build relationships by focusing on your product's needs and not forcing the customer to purchase your product. This way, when viewers finish watching the video, they would be inclined to inquire more about your business.

2. Creating videos that are too long

You’ve heard it before! Our attention span is narrowing with each passing day. On top of it all, there is so much distraction online. Producing extra-long or short videos is a recipe for disaster. 

Recent consensus suggests your video length should be under three minutes. Still, factors like target audience, message, goal, and content distribution platforms play an important role in your video length.

Here’s a good example by Freshworks CRM. The video says it all in less than 2 minutes.

For best practices on reaching the required video length, cut any irrelevant content that may make your videos long, and consider tackling only the key points that matter most to the audience.

3. Flooding your videos with too much info

Apart from the short attention span and online distraction, there is also too much information overload. Every day we are bombarded with every kind of information and content, whether online or in offline media. 

If your video has too much information, it will overwhelm your user, and they may decide to scroll off. Consider not giving the viewer too much information. 

If you have a lot of information to share, create different videos to convey the information correctly. Don't pack all info in a single video, which may dilute the message and confuse the viewers. Besides, cut the excess graphics and visual elements that may distract a user from interpreting the key message.

4. Not having a clear call-to-action

Call-to-actions are closing statements that guide a user on what to do after watching a video. These closing statements are essential to a video and are very useful in securing a lead. 

Hence, at the end of every video, include a strong CTA like "Please donate" or "Join us today," so viewers know what actions to take at the end of the video. Don't leave the viewers in suspense.

Take a look at this Squarespace video. It has a clear CTA at the end.

5. Under-promoting your videos

Most content distribution platforms today support video content. Thus, you can promote your videos in other places other than YouTube. You can also share your video on your landing page or use it as a content upgrade on your blog or in your email marketing campaigns. 

These promotional techniques are meant to grow brand awareness. While doing so, don't just share a link to your video but upload each video to your content distribution platform. Uploaded videos have more engagement and views than video links. 

6. Focusing on product and not target audience

As much as you may want to tell people all details about your product, it would be better to focus on the value or benefit people get by using your product. Hence, show your product's advantages. 

To find how users will benefit from your product, find your buyer persona, and find out what they want. What questions do they frequently ask, and what solution do they want you to provide? Aim to draw attention to the product while attending to their solution. 

Focusing on the target audience requires that you guide the customer through their purchase journey or support them through the sales funnels. If your videos can help meet the customer's needs, they will want to continue to consume your content.

7. Not implementing a video SEO strategy

Videos, like any other content type, need to be optimized to improve viewership results. Otherwise, no one will see it, and you will miss your target results. 

You can optimize your videos by adding the right keywords, thumbnail, meta-tags, and title descriptions. Optimizing your videos using the right video SEO strategy will help drive organic traffic to your site or videos, increasing your videos and website ranking in search.

8. Not branding your videos

One reason we are using video marketing is to increase brand awareness. That means you would like people not only to remember your videos but also your brand. Branding helps to raise awareness, improves customer trust and loyalty. As you create your videos, remember to tell people about your business.

To make your brand stick in the customers' minds, add a company logo, tagline, a QR code of your URL at the start or close of your videos. Consider using the same tone of voice, color schemes, and font in all your videos so that all your videos convey the same message about your brand.


The stats and trends are there to prove it. Videos play an essential role in a brand's marketing campaign. Thus, using videos in content marketing has become a mandatory add-on because of the many advantages video possesses.

Your video marketing strategies should improve customer satisfaction and increase retention. But for your video to achieve this, it starts by taking a roll call of blunders that may kill your video marketing strategy.

This way, you will create videos that connect, engage, and resonate with your target audience to bring the required leads and traffic to your website and increase sales.

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