Video Marketing

3 Ways a Video Strategy Can Fuel Your Sales Team Endeavors

Posted December 30, 2020
Written by Estelle Liotard

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Considering using videos to improve marketing and sales? That’s a very good idea!

For one, YouTube is the world’s second most popular search engine – people love watching videos to learn about products and find good companies. 

If your brand shares engaging marketing videos, you can increase customer trust, generate leads, retain customers, achieve sales goals, and just be awesome in the eyes of customers. 

Sounds like something worth trying, right?

In this guide, we’re sharing three ways videos can help sell. We’ll go through the video creation process to show you how amazing videos are born:

  • Brainstorming ideas for the best videos

  • Most compelling videos to use for marketing

  • Video distribution channels for the most impact on sales. 

The first point is where everything begins: an idea. 

1. Choose the Best Ideas with an Idea Board

The marketing video creation process starts with brainstorming to find marketing video ideas with the most potential for sales. 

Sit down with your marketing and sales teams–these folks know your product and customer needs, so they could come up with amazing ideas. 

Make an idea board and invite everyone to suggest video ideas. 

The board could have three columns to help you approve or reject it. Besides the name of the idea, provide a description and goal. For example:

Idea name - Product tutorial video

Description- Make a video tutorial on how to use our software to schedule social media posts automatically. 

Goal -

  • Show how our product provides ongoing value 

  • Highlight innovative uses that many customers might miss

Need some inspiration for ideas? 

Go through your case studies, client interviews, surveys, and other marketing materials where some insights might hide. For example, the story of a happy client who has increased sales with your product is a perfect place to start the search.

In general, try to find ideas that:

  • Convey the full potential of your product/service

  • Solve a specific customer pain point

  • Make a lasting impression

  • Introduce your company as an expert.

The best ideas will be turned into marketing videos. There are many kinds of them, but no worries – we’ve done the research for you. 

Next, let’s see the videos with the most sales potential. 

2. Choose the Best Video Types

Now, let’s say you’ve got a bunch of ideas for videos–and, more importantly, the marketing goals they can help you to achieve. 

Time to start thinking about videos that could grab their interest. 

Consider these first:

  • Customer testimonials

  • Animated explainers

  • Product tutorials

  • Educational videos 

Why these? Excellent question. 

Let’s go over each one, so you see why they’re a good choice. 

Video Option: Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonial videos are the best videos to build brand trust and increase customer confidence. 

“Showing your real clients is an excellent way to convince potential ones to pick your company for their needs,” explains Evan Rose, a marketing writer. “Instead of you bragging about your product, it’s others sharing stories about how it made their lives easier.”

This video from The Closet Works, for example, features a few clients who got their closets completely redesigned to meet their needs. 

A video like this could make a lot of difference for your sales. It has everything: 

  • Satisfied, smiling customers

  • Lots of details about their experience with the brand

  • Reasons why others should also choose that company. 

To create similar videos for your brand, start by reaching out to your happy customers. Send an email and ask to participate in a short video – many will be happy to help. 

Once a customer agrees, share a list of key questions for them to answer in the video. The list will make it easier for them to make the testimonial video.

Try these questions (in this particular order):

  • What’s your name, and what do you do?

  • How long have you been using [your product or service]?

  • How did you discover [your company]? What problem were you looking to solve at the time?

  • Why did you choose [your product]?

  • How has the product helped to solve that problem and reach your goals?

  • What was working with [your company] like?

  • Do you think that [your company] is aligned with the mission and values of your company?

  • Would you recommend using [your product] to others?

Answers to these questions would give a potential client the most important information they need to consider buying your product or service. 

Ultimately, customer testimonials will help to increase conversion rates by positioning your brand as a reliable partner for your target audience. 

Video Option: Animated Explainer Videos

The purpose of animated explainers is to show your business idea in a convincing and appealing way. 

Companies use these videos to help potential customers understand what they do and why they should choose them. That’s why animated explainers are useful for the consideration stage of the customer journey–when buyers check out companies before making a choice. 

This animated explainer video from Purina is a good example.

To convince customers to choose their products, it explains:

It’s a great example of how businesses use animated explainers with 2D illustrations to provide a simple yet compelling explanation. 

Video Option: Product Tutorials

People who became your customers will need to be nurtured to stay. 

You do it with product tutorial videos. These videos show how to get value by using specific features, so they’re detailed and offer simple explanations. 

They go beyond product descriptions and contain valuable advice on real-life use cases. That’s why writing the script for product tutorials is often the job of product teams. 

Like this product tutorial from The video shows how to use the tool to find emails of potential leads in seconds. 

After watching this tutorial, a Hunter user could start using the tool and find emails. The video does a great job showing the process in a really straightforward way, which is another feature of a fantastic product tutorial. There are also other ways you can find someone's email address in 2021.

Product testimonial videos are a way to demonstrate your dedication to your customer success with your company. They can score you good product reviews, loyal customers, and a good reputation. 

Video Option: Educational Videos

Google isn’t the only place for your customers to get answers to their questions. 

YouTube is another option – as we know, it’s the second most popular search engine. People even trust it with anything from finding innovative business ideas to baking products. 

What does it mean?

Many of your potential customers are used to videos as a source of valuable and trustworthy information. That’s why educational videos–those that inform and educate about a problem and ways to solve it–are a great idea. 

Learning from videos is easy, plus people are familiar with it. So, you can build trust and increase the confidence to buy from you with educational videos. This is exactly what you need to give customers during the awareness stage of the sales funnel

A company selling coffee machines and beans could make videos like these to teach how to make delicious coffee at home.

Ahrefs, a B2B company, makes educational videos to share tips on digital marketing. 

In this video below, a company representative gives advice on how to dominate a market niche by doing professional SEO, email marketing, and paid advertising. 

This way, Ahrefs educates customers while also showing how to use their tools. The explanation is professional and in-depth, which is also something customers are looking for to get the best tips. 

3. Choose Appropriate Distribution Channels

Suppose you’ve made a bunch of marketing videos. 

Where do you share them to achieve the most sales impact? 

Choosing the right distribution channels is critical. For example, TikTok might not be the best platform just because it’s super popular–unless you’re targeting young customers like Generation Z. 

Good places to promote marketing videos:

  • Your company’s website – landing pages, blog, home page, “customer success stories” section, etc.

  • Social media – While a lot of folks have made money on Instagram, try Facebook and LinkedIn – are the safest first choices for B2C and B2B businesses, respectively

  • Emails – product tutorial videos are a good fit for welcome messages while customer testimonials are a must for lead nurturing campaigns

Try to distribute your marketing videos via all these channels. View by view, they will help you achieve sales goals by building your reputation! 

Video Marketing for Sales: Final Thoughts

Marketing videos are an excellent idea to support your sales strategy. They can increase consumer trust, build your reputation, teach new customers to use your product, nurture leads, and attract more conversions. 

Try using the video creation process we described to create content to support your sales strategy. Make sure to involve your sales team, too – they can be an endless source of inspiration, ideas, and customer insights. 

Good luck!

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