Video Marketing

BoxWorks Digital 2020: Video Unlocks New Ways to Work

Posted September 24, 2020
Written by Ludovic Ulrich

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BoxWorks 2020

Our world looks very different than it did one year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost everything about us, from the way we live, to our vocabulary (Zooming, social distancing, quaranteam), to the way we work. Even the annual BoxWorks conference, held on September 17 this year, had to make some big changes.

Under normal circumstances, we’d have been setting up the Clipchamp booth in a huge hall attended by thousands of guests. This year, we built a virtual booth and sat at our screens as thousands of visitors dialled in to chat video. 

Here at Clipchamp, we’re used to discussions revolving around our favourite topic, but video seemed to be the word on everyone’s lips at BoxWorks Digital. More specifically, how video is enabling new ways of working during COVID-19 and beyond. 

“The old way of working doesn't work anymore. We need to adapt to this new way of working, and companies that best adapt to these changes are those that will thrive in this 'new normal.”

- Adam Levie, CEO, Co-founder and Chairman, Box

Events are moving online ... and staying there

Online events

Let’s start with the obvious: in-person gatherings are out and online events are in. This all makes sense in the context of social distancing, but why would these events continue when the pandemic is over?

As it turns out, there are a few reasons – online events are cheaper to run and break down geographical barriers. Take BoxWorks as an example – the conference normally attracts three to four thousand attendees in-person, but received over 20 thousand registrations for 2020’s digital event. Beyond this, it lets event hosts really harness the power of pre-prepared video

Imagine – instead of fumbling over notes and clicking through slides, you can click a button, and present a slick marketing video that really communicates your brand. Watch the video we created for our BoxWorks booth below.

Corporate flexibility is forever

Corporate flexibility

Well, if you work in an office environment that is. WFH used to be pretty tough to sell to corporate businesses, but COVID-19 has proven it can be done, and done productively. We won’t all opt for 100% remote work, what’s more likely is corporate employers will encourage hybrid workplaces  (a mix of in-office and WFH).

Video can help keep everyone in a hybrid workplace on the same page. We’ve spoken before about the impact of editing Zoom recordings. It’s an essential practice that can make up for missed calls, meeting clashes and far away time zones. When video is used to capture and share content, no one misses out.

Everyone’s e-learning online

Online learning

Yes, and they’re learning a lot more than how to bake sourdough. COVID-19 has been a big barrier to in-person learning opportunities, from employee onboarding to demos of products in retail stores. In the absence of face-to-face interactions, online video education has stepped in and done such a great job that it looks like it’ll stick around.

Video is a big part of e-learning, largely because it’s so much more effective than written text. Viewers retain 95% of a message through video compared to just 10% through text. It makes sense then, that video is the new hero of remote employee onboarding, product demos and online tutorials. Check out what one of our BoxWork attendees had to say below.    

"We do a lot of internal videos for staff. I am actually most interested in using (Clipchamp) myself for training videos. I manage the team responsible for all internal applications and have notoriously poor attendance for in-person training. We are looking to start building a video library."

Marketing moves back in(house)

Marketing in-house

Over the past few years, it’s become common practice for businesses to outsource their creative marketing to agencies with the tools and talent to whip up artistic assets. Until COVID-19 hit, that is, now, marketing budgets and strategies are being severely impacted. In a survey, 42% of marketers cited budget cuts as a significant COVID-19 challenge. The solution? Marketing moves back in-house.

Video is revolutionising the marketing industry, meaning the assets needed most by businesses are videos. Fortunately, video editing has changed a lot too. Take Clipchamp for example, we’ve made it our mission to create a tool that everyday editors can use to quickly produce professional video content. Social ads, video banners, pitches, and more can be made in minutes, no expertise needed. Furthermore, Clipchamp’s integration with Box makes file storing, and  team collaboration easier than ever when creating videos. Check out how one of our BoxWork attendees uses video internally below.

"We have a video production team, but there are projects that don't always work into their production schedule or times when someone needs a video presentation fast for a sales meeting for example."

That’s a wrap on BoxWorks Digital

This year’s BoxWorks Digital conference offered so many unique learning opportunities and started an insightful dialogue about the new ways we work. Above all, we realised Clipchamp’s mission – to make your business one to watch – is more important than ever. We’re so excited to continue on our journey with Box, so every day editors can continue to create great video content.  

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