Video Marketing

10 Content ideas to support lead generation for your business

Posted October 21, 2021
Written by Mackenzie Geeves

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Not sure how to generate new leads for your business? Try out one (or all 10) of our easy and creative content ideas. They’re budget-friendly and don’t take a lot of time to create. 

10 Content ideas to support lead generation CC thumbnail

Securing new leads can sometimes be a challenging task. Especially if you’re practicing techniques that don’t resonate with your target audience or are outdated. So stepping outside of the box and away from standard practices might just help you generate more leads. 

Read on to find the right online marketing technique that suits your business to draw in your prospects and generate more leads.

What makes content successful?

So how do you make successful content? The key to creating successful content that will draw in new leads is always having a strong lead magnet. A lead magnet is something valuable to your target audience that will convince them to hand over their details. 

But small businesses and content creators don’t always have the resources, a large budget to work with, and can even be time-sensitive. Instead of employing a sales team to research new and fun ideas, check out our 10 content ideas for lead generation (plus a bonus idea).

10 Content Ideas for Lead Generation

1. Offer free trials and discount code pop-ups

Get customers to give your new product a go by capturing their attention with a free trial offer or unique, one-time discount code. Offer a 10% off discount on their first purchase when they enter their email address or a free trial on your product. Just remember to be cautious of offering extended trials or completely free products. Make sure to balance a low barrier of entry with filtering out the lower quality leads and customers who are unlikely to ever pay full price for your product. 

#1. Free Trials & Discounts-- Eyebuydirect

Source: EyeBuyDirect

2. Blogs

Have you ever considered publishing on brand blogs? Writing and posting blogs on your eCommerce website is the perfect way to establish yourself as an industry leader or a topic export. The more useful content you can give your audience, the more they will trust you and they will turn to you for advice and become prospective customers. 

Create blog posts that can help your users and viewers, subtly encourage them to try your product, and how your service will help them solve pain points. To keep readers engaged with upcoming content, embed a sign-up form for notification of the latest articles or exclusive content. 

If you already write and publish blog content, make sure to keep the information in the blogs relevant and accurate. Determine which articles gain the most attention and engagement, and what offers you’ve included. Audits can help establish what kind of content gaps you have and where to start. 

#2 Blogs--The Content Division

Source: The Content Division 

3. Referral programs

One of the biggest opportunities in lead generation is to ask your customers for more customers. Word of mouth is by far an extremely successful lead generator, but you must have an amazing product or service first. Give your customers great experiences that they will want to tell their friends and family about. Sweeten the deal with an incentive such as a discount on their next purchase, and an exclusive offer for their friend. Embedded a referral form on your website for customers who are logged in to use. 

#3. Referral Programs--Shopback

Source: Shopback 

4. Video marketing

Engage potential customers and drive leads through the power of video marketing. From customer testimonials, how-to videos, promo videos, or product demonstrations, video can entice customers to buy like no other. Remember to add a strong CTA to your video and offer customers an incentive to sign up. 

Video landing pages are a unique way to capture your audience's attention and convey information about your business. Whether you’re promoting a product or service, or the latest deals, video can portray your message in a matter of seconds. 

If you’re not too tech-savvy, try out Clipchamp’s ready-to-use video marketing templates. All you have to do is add your Brand Kit, personalize the text, and you’ve created a professional landing page video in just a few clicks. 

Video marketing Clipchamp home page

5. Resources and downloads

Drive leads through downloadable content that your audience will find extremely useful. Offer a sample, free week trial, or a complimentary complete download to entice customers to purchase. This style of lead generation is compatible with infographics, training courses, industry trend reports, eBooks, podcasts, and case studies. 

Don’t forget to repurpose content wherever you can. If viewers have engaged with your content, invite them to a webinar, Zoom recording, or open up for questions for further discussion.

#5 Resources & Downloads--Xero

Source: Xero 

6. Cross-promotion and competitions

Guest blogs can help you reach a wider range of customers who fall in the same target audience category. Look for complementary businesses that have similar target audiences to your own. Consider ways you could collaborate with their brand, product, content, or even a giveaway promotion to engage both of your audiences.

Cross-promotion and competitions are some of the easiest ways to capture your audience’s attention in the comments section and generate leads for future follow-ups. Viewers can enter via a lead form on a Facebook ad. Post the link in your Instagram and TikTok bio, and on your eCommerce website.

6. Cross-promotion and competitions

7. Webinars and virtual conferences

If your business wants to increase sales and leads, attract long-term customers by leveraging webinars. The use of webinars has increased 162% over the past year, and attendance has nearly quadrupled. 95% of B2B marketers still say webinars are one of the leading marketing tools for generating leads and boosting sales, with a single webinar reaching up to 1000 leads. Repurpose your webinars and virtual conferences by publishing recordings on your website. 

Video content can build trust between your audience and your brand, creating a community, and hopefully driving leads. All you have to do is request the viewer’s name and contact details before they can watch your webinar video, or post the link to your webinar for public use (lower barrier for entry, but you’ll have to work harder to get their details at the end!). 

7. Webinars and virtual conferences

8. Influencer marketing

In today’s virtual world, influencers have taken over the internet. Influencers can promote your brand, product, or service in an authentic way that viewers can relate to. All you need is one popular influencer or micro-influencer to talk about your brand through a video and publish the video on your eCommerce website and social media. Add in a lead capturing form for your influencers to provide a personal touch to customers, or generate a unique discount code. 

Brands can even repurpose these marketing videos into email newsletters or turn them into social media ads to capitalize on the popularity of the influencer.

8. Influencer marketing

9. Social media groups and message boards

Finding a social media group, like Facebook or LinkedIn groups, that is related to your product, industry, or customers is a great way to engage with your customers. But particularly Facebook groups, have strict rules and admins who enforce these rules such as promoting your product or services directly. Some creative ways around this are to get in on the conversation, share your thoughts and views, then share your product that is directly related to your peer’s pain points.

10. Optimize your website

Optimize your website to make the customer’s experience pleasant and easy. Have clear signup boxes, CTA’s, clear navigation, and a user-friendly interface to give customers a good reason to convert. 

Make sure your website is conversion-focused. Have clear sign-up and purchase flows across your site. Make it easy for customers to convert. 

#11 Optimise Your Website--Upflowy

Source: Upflowy 

BONUS! TikTok lead forms

If you’re targeting Gen Z, Millennials, and even Baby Boomers, TikTok has a new lead generation feature in their TikTok For Business tools. Film your giveaway or hashtag competition on TikTok, then request entries via the TikTok lead form tool. Remember, creativity on TikTok is extremely important. Show off your products or services with a tutorial video. 

BONUS! TikTok lead forms

Generate leads for your business in no time

When creating content to support lead generation, make sure to place key points in bold, use an easy-to-understand format, avoid jargon, ensure to include your privacy policy, and give customers a clear, quick reason to purchase. 

Create enticing lead generation videos with Clipchamp’s free online video editor. 

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