Video Marketing

How to Reuse Your Webinar Recording to Increase Sales

Posted January 5, 2021
Written by Ritika Tiwari

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Here's the thing – creating and organizing webinars involves an incredible amount of hard work and time. Not leveraging your webinar recordings for every cent and every second they are worth can be a wasted opportunity, and we wouldn't want that for you! That's why we'll cover everything you need to know about reusing your webinar recordings to increase sales in this article.

Webinar Screenshot - How to Reuse Your Webinar Recording to Increase Sales

We live in a time when brands need to push out content at a faster pace and keep up with the increasing number of social media platforms. By reusing webinar recordings, you can provide valuable information to your target audience without having to create new content from scratch. 

With the help of a little video editing, start transforming your existing webinars into bite-sized videos, engaging blogs, infographics that can help you reach out to your target audience in newer ways and in turn improve your sales as well as customer retention

Why repurpose and reuse recorded webinars 

Webinars may sound old school but they are still one of the most effective and engaging video marketing strategies with the average webinar attendee viewing time amounting to 61 minutes

But what’s even better than a jam-packed webinar? Most of us are familiar with how does a webinar work, but did you know that qualified leads in your sales funnel can be converted into loyal customers with it? Over 73 percent of sales and marketing leaders believe that webinars are one of the best ways to generate quality leads online for business.

Neil Patel, SEO Expert, agrees with that and says that while “2-3% conversion rates are common in the industry, I’ve been able to get that as high as a 22% conversion rate consistently (with webinars). I had 74,381 attendees in 77 webinars and converted 16,394 of them. But if I’m honest, that’s not because I am a webinar wunderkind. They weren’t anything out of the ordinary.”

Amber Tiffany, Content Marketing Manager at GoToWebinar states that, “The key to turning webinar leads into sales is giving your prospects a clear path forward. Too often, we focus on creating great webinar content and hosting an engaging webinar, which are both important, but we don’t spend enough time on the next step. With this in mind, you don’t want to let these valuable leads languish in post-webinar purgatory.” 

Webinars are usually loaded with information and not everyone has the time or the patience to watch these videos in detail. By repurposing webinar recordings, you can provide interesting content consistently to your audience, which they would have otherwise missed out.

The benefits of reusing webinar recording are numerous, including:

  • Produce content at a faster pace: Since you are not creating new content from scratch, but modifying and refurbishing what you already have, you are able to churn out content faster

  • Less pressure to produce great content: Creating great quality content from scratch takes a lot of hard work and time. By leveraging content that has already been produced in webinars, you can give your content creators some much-needed breathing space for creativity

  • Increase your reach on different platforms: You can’t really post 30-60min long webinars on Instagram or Twitter and expect your followers to be interested in it. By breaking down webinar videos into bite-sized portions, you can engage your audience on the different social media platforms in a more effective manner 

    Webinar meeting screenshot - How to Reuse Your Webinar Recording to Increase Sales

4 ways to effectively reuse webinar recordings

1- Post it on YouTube with subtitles 

Transcribing your webinar and posting it on YouTube as video for sales can help you organically reach more users. Adding subtitles to your webinar can boost SEO for your videos and also allow hearing-impaired users to view and better understand your content. 

While YouTube can automatically generate transcriptions for uploaded videos, since it's automated, the transcription quality is often very poor. That is why it's best to have your own transcribers and proofread the captions before they are uploaded.  

Instead of uploading subtitle files on YouTube, you can also hardcode subtitles into your videos, and share their snippets on other platforms. 

2- Share webinar highlight reels on social media

While some people do want to watch complete hour-long webinars, most just don’t have the time for it. You can squeeze your webinar recording and convert it into short 5-minute highlight reels which only include the most important and interesting points discussed in the webinar. You can then share this highlight reel on social media platforms to increase engagement and attract new audience members for future webinars. This could become a new way to generate quality leads online.

These 5-minute highlight reels can also help you show potential guests and speakers the tone, style, and expertise you expect from your company’s webinars. 

3- Post a series of blogs

Webinars might be more engaging or visual, but blogposts are still the most popular form of content online to create leads online. With so much information packed in webinars, they provide the perfect resource for writing and publishing detailed blog posts. You can create a whole series of blogs based on one webinar and include quotes, images, and short video clips from the webinar in order to improve readability. 

4- Send sales email newsletters

An easy way to get more people to watch your webinar is by creating a series of sales email newsletters and sending them out at regular intervals. Every sales email that you send can include a small snippet from the webinar to convince your subscribers to click on the link and watch the entire webinar. While creating newsletters, make sure that each one addresses a problem that is often faced by your target audience. You don’t want to sound too spammy with subject lines like ‘Please watch our webinar’ or ‘here is a link to the webinar you missed.’ You can also create sales email follow up template with links and snippets to your webinars in order to cultivate leads over time and convert them.

Newsletter email screenshot - How to Reuse Your Webinar Recording to Increase Sales

Start making personalized videos from your webinar recordings

Webinars can undoubtedly help you get more qualified leads but you can only leverage them by creating a marketing plan to convert those very leads, and that starts by reusing every webinar recording from your preferred webinar software as a video for sales in all the different ways possible.  

You can start creating customized videos from your recorded webinars with the help of a free video editor like Clipchamp.

With Clipchamp, you get access to completely customizable video templates that you can quickly modify in just a few clicks. The drag and drop interface makes it easy to edit and create videos even when you are using Clipchamp for the first time. The tool allows you to directly split, crop, trim, combine, and rotate videos. You can also add backgrounds, filters, transitions, and other media to your personalized webinar videos.

Ready to reuse your webinar recordings to increase sales with Clipchamp? Sign up today.

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