GIF Maker

Convert video to GIF in a few clicks with the Clipchamp online GIF maker. Save GIFs quickly with no watermark. 

An image of converting a video to GIF in Clipchamp

Make your own GIF

Pink video file icon

Turn MP4 to GIF

Transform your favorite videos into memes with our free GIF generator. Upload your video clip, trim or split the video, then export as a high-quality GIF to share on social media and online messaging apps.

Blue template icon

Convert image to GIF

No video? No problem. Combine personal or stock images to create an animated GIF. Overlay multiple images, add dramatic transitions, then save as a GIF. 

Purple wand icon

Add text and effects

Decorate your reaction GIFs with our unique font styles and video effects like glitch and slow zoom. Add trending GIFs directly from the GIPHY library, and speed up or slow down the frame rate to add humor.  

How to use online GIF maker in Clipchamp

Import video in Clipchamp
Add media to timeline in Clipchamp
Trim a clip to 15 seconds to make a GIF in Clipchamp
Save a GIF in Clipchamp

Resize GIFs for social media

GIF LP - social media and messaging

Add logo and branding

  • Personalize your GIFs with your logo, color palette, and custom fonts using the brand kit tool

  • Differentiate from your competitor’s meme marketing by adding watermarks to GIFs with your brand logo or social media handle. 

GIF LP - marketing

Enhance with stock and stickers

GIF LP - gaming
Blurple Bluey Lemniscate - background

Learn how to make a GIF

Read our step-by-step guide on how to make your own GIF by converting MP4, MOV, YouTube videos, or using royalty-free stock media.

An image showing the different resolutions to export a video from Clipchamp. The option to save as a GIF is highlighted with the cursor.

Watch and learn

Frequently asked questions

Start creating with our quick and easy GIF maker