Video Marketing

How to Move Your Food Business Online with Video Marketing

Posted May 8, 2020

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How to move your food business online with video marketing

Restaurants and cafes have had to recently close their doors to the public and limit their businesses to pickup and delivery only. In times like these, consumers are more likely to be stuck indoors, meaning the most effective way to reach them is through advertising on social media, specifically with video. So, how do food businesses capitalise on this to stay afloat and promote? Just setting up a website and buying a Business Phone Number won’t be enough to help your business succeed in this competitive landscape. We’re here to provide you with tips on how to successfully use video to communicate with your customers and boost their appetites for your business. In this blog, we'll be discussing:  

  • How can video marketing help food businesses?

  • 5 video marketing ideas for your food business

How can video marketing help food businesses?

Small food businesses like restaurants and cafes can use video advertising to showcase their eatery in a new light. Now that customers can’t dine in, food businesses need to promote their menus, generate awareness and increase pick up and delivery traffic via social media marketing. 

Video advertising on social media is a cost effective way to reach a wider audience in a short period of time. Research shows that 76 percent of adults and 85 percent of  millennials have made a take-away food purchase after watching a marketing video. Over half of the millennials surveyed said they find video advertising to be more engaging and effective than non-video advertising. Video allows consumers to see the food in it’s most delicious form, leaving mouths watering and wanting more. 

Video marketing for restaurants doesn’t always need a huge budget either. A simple 10 to 20 second social media ad showcasing the food item is all you need. You can even promote your restaurant’s take-away and delivery services in collaboration with online content creators. Ever heard of a “Mukbang” YouTube video? Many potential customers are currently watching their favourite YouTubers in overdrive, making them open to influence.

How can video marketing help food businesses?

5 video marketing ideas for your food business

There are many different ways to enhance your restaurant marketing strategy online with video. We’ve listed our top five suggestions below. Remember to keep your ads short and sweet. We recommend social media ads to be under 20 seconds.

The Menu 

Customers usually have a sneak peak at a restaurant's menu online or Instagram before choosing to order or eat at the restaurant. Using video to display menu items will strongly appeal to customers' senses and influence their desire to order. This ad can be as simple as a slideshow of menu items, or even employee favourites. Make sure to add on accompanying drinks and side dishes you are offering as well.

Food delivery 

In our current climate, delivery has become extremely popular as consumers don’t want to leave their houses. Advertising your contactless delivery service is a must! You can offer free delivery for orders over a certain amount, or provide discount codes if you desire. A delivery service isn’t just a luxury, it is an essential service for people who are sick and unable to cook for themselves. People are now relying on delivery for their own food security.

Strict hygiene measures 

Give customers confidence in your food business by transparently proving you are following the strict hygiene rules necessary in our current climate. Show your kitchen's cleanliness, workers washing hands regularly and focus on staff wearing gloves, masks or hair nets. Make your restaurant a safe space for customers to feel confident when ordering.

Mukbang videos 

The world of food marketing is evolving drastically. Businesses should follow and go along with current trends to keep their restaurants thriving. A “Mukbang” is a live or recorded online video broadcast of a person dining while talking to their audience. This helps restaurants promote their food through popular social media stars. 

Interview and tutorial videos with your team

The food team is one of the most important parts of a restaurant. The quality and taste of your food drives the overall success of your food business. Let online viewers get to know your chef or employees by filming a short interview with them. You can include anything you’d like, such as their favourite dish, how they learnt to cook, and why their food stands out from the others.

A cooking tutorial is also a great way to connect with viewers. Give consumers a reason to purchase from your restaurant other than great food. Community support is vital in trying times. 

Hungry for more video marketing ideas?

Need more inspiration? Check out our 10 Marketing Videos to Make While Social Distancing blog. In it, we guide you through ideas for TikTok ads, community ads, stock video ads and more. 

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