Business videos

How to write a business promo video in 30 minutes 

Posted July 28, 2021
Written by Clipchamp

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Promo videos are powerful assets to your sales and marketing strategy. They introduce your brand to your target audience in a highly entertaining and engaging way. 

With the right persuasive tone, a promo video can boost your brand’s conversation and click-through rates by 76%. But one of the biggest challenges marketing and sales teams face when producing a promo video is writing a solid script that will entice your audience, capture their attention and lead them to buy.

promo video script thumbnail

With a well-written script, brands can minimize the guesswork involved in the creative process and focus on shooting a well organised, professional video. 

Explore how to write a promo video for your business in 30 minutes with the help of Clipchamp’s free online video editor below. 

What elements are in a successful promo video?

Including a video on your landing page can increase conversations by more than 80%. Video is the new way of communication in today’s era. So what exactly makes a promo video, successful? 

Here’s everything you need to know about when creating a promo video that will leave a lasting impression: 

1. Keep a promo video short and sweet

Video has been proven to increase engagement rates. 84% of consumers surveyed were convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s promo video. But just because you create a video, doesn’t mean it’s going to be successful. 

The length of your promo video plays a major role in its effectiveness. Aim to keep your promo video around 60 seconds. Anything longer will risk losing the audience attention span. 

Increase the conversation rates for your business today by creating a promo video with stock footage or ready-to-use templates using our online video editor. 

2. Talk about the benefits of your product or service

Promo videos give your business the opportunity to introduce yourself and explain how your business can benefit viewers' lives. You can educate potential customers on your business history, goals and priorities, as well as explaining how a particular product works and why viewers should buy it. 

Your target audience wants to learn more about how your product or service can change their lives for the better and make their task easier. Sharing just the features of your product or service isn’t giving your audience the information they’re looking for. Explain how each feature is beneficial to them, instead of advertising the features as a sales pitch. 

Try and connect with your target audience on an emotional level. 

3. Production quality

Your video production quality can make or break your promo video. No one wants to watch an unorganized, unpolished video that’s bad quality — therefore minimizing sales. 

A small budget or not being an editing genius doesn’t mean a bad quality promo video. Clipchamp’s free online video editor lets you can create a high-end promo video in just a few clicks. Our how-to guide will help you understand and learn how to create a promo video only using stock footage. 

How to master the art of promo video scriptwriting

A great promo video starts with the perfect script. You want to showcase your product, share all of its essential elements and why your target audience needs it, without sounding too much like a car salesman. 

Step 1. Ask yourself some questions

Firstly, every great script requires some back work. Here are some of our top questions every promo video script brief should answer: 

  • Why are you creating the promo video?

  • Who is the target audience?

  • What is the title/topic of the video?

  • What is the tone of the video?

  • What do you want the audience to take away from the video?

  • What is the follow-up call to action?

  • What distribution channels will you use for marketing the video?

Step 1. Ask yourself some questions

Step 2. Establish your beginning, middle and end 

Just like every good movie, your promo video requires a beginning, middle and end. But in our case, it’s referred to as the problem, agitate and solution. Your script should be written in the same 3 sections. Hook the audience’s attention, followed by the message you wish to convey, then a strong call to action. 

Problem: The hook should talk about the pain points that are faced by your target audience.

Agitate: Get into the details of the pain points to empathize with your audience.

Solution: Talk about how your product or service solves their pain problem then close with a powerful call to action. 

When creating your promo video script, every word matters. The more detail you put into your script, the easier it will be to produce the actual video.

Step 2. Establish your beginning, middle and end 

Step 3. Prepare your dialogues

Another key element to think about when preparing your promo video script is to prepare your dialogues. They will help to convey various emotions throughout your video. 

Make sure to write specifically targeting your desired audience. Dialogues should sound like a natural conversation, but with an added core message. To achieve this, there are 3 main rules to follow. 

  1. The key takeaway should be repeated 3 times in various ways so that it will leave a lasting impression.

  2. Avoid adding too much filler in your dialogues — keep them short and sweet. 

  3. Length of your script matters. Try to keep it under 60 seconds, just like your promo video length. 

Promo video script templates

Using a promo video script template can be a game-changer for sales and marketing teams. Not only do they save you a lot of time, but they make the process so much easier. Simplify the process for all team members by writing a list of all your visuals and their corresponding audio. 

Promo video script templates

Ready to make the final cut?

Now you can create an engaging promo video with a script that will leave a lasting impression. Effectively convey your brand’s message and turn viewers into paying customers. Check out our overall guide to writing video scripts for more ideas on how to structure your business promo.

Using Clipchamp’s free online video editor, you can share your promo videos directly to your audience in just a few minutes. 

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