Video Marketing

How to Create Leads Online Using Video for Sales Outreach

Posted January 19, 2021
Written by Ritika Tiwari

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Do you find sales outreach challenging? You're not the only one. When emails are the primary and only communication with your leads, outreaching is even harder.

You want to be the best salesperson on your team, but if your leads don’t even open your email or respond to it, then what can you do about it? How to increase your email open rate to support your sales cycle?

One upcoming tactic to increase open rates is getting your email campaigns drafted by an outsourced sales team, but simply using smart email automation software or email marketing software may not transform your cold sales email into an effective one.

You can always make cold sales email campaigns work but here's what else you can do – think using video for your sales outreach strategy! By using video for email marketing campaigns, you can increase the open rate by 19 percent and click-through rate by 65 percent while decreasing unsubscribes by 26 percent. This can significantly improve the quality of leads that you generate for your organization. 

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By using videos in your sales outreach, you can add a human aspect to your process which can in turn help kickstart more genuine conversations, increase customer retention rate, and build customer loyalty.

Read on to understand what are the ultimate steps to create more leads online using video for sales.

1. Decide when to send your video

Before you even start brainstorming ideas for your sales videos, you need to decide the right timing for sending the video to your leads online. Look through your sales CRM thoroughly in order to determine where exactly in your sales outreach process can you benefit from videos. Consider the following factors while making a decision:

  • Are you sending out cold emails for the first time?

  • How many outreaching attempts have you made previously?

  • Are you reconnecting with cold leads?

  • Are you following up with any no-shows?

Of course, the right timing can vary from client to client. The timing of the video will also dictate the main goal of your video which can be anything from scheduling a call to introducing your brand or closing the lead.

2. Research your prospects thoroughly

Creating a generalized video and expecting it to work for all your leads won’t give you the results that you really want to see. Instead, you should take your time to research more about your prospects before you send them a sales outreach video. 

You can start your research by considering the following factors about your leads: 

  • Who are they? 

  • What is their main job title?

  • What kind of organization do they work in?

  • What are their main challenges and pain points that your product can help resolve?

Hand turning a knob to set number of leads to maximum - How to Create Leads Online Using Video for Sales Outreach - Clipchamp Blog

3. Select the type of video you want to make 

Before you start making your video, you should decide what kind of video you want to make for capturing leads online. This can also depend on the goal of your video and the type of leads. Here are a few categories of videos that you can make:

  • Explainer videos: These videos give a high-level look into the product and how it solves a particular problem.

  • Screenshare videos: These videos are great for walking through your product and showing how it really works.

  • Webcam videos: These videos are perfect for introducing yourself or your team to your prospective clients. They also help in adding a much-needed personal touch to your videos. 

  • Personalized videos: These are completely customized videos created separately for every prospect and include information like their name, title, company name, and their unique requirements.

4. Write your sales video script

Writing a script before creating the video helps you structure the entire thing properly and it also minimizes your video editing time. Structure your video script in a way that it has all the following sections: 

  • A brief introduction about you and your company 

  • The main purpose of reaching out

  • Details about your products or services (and their benefits)

  • A CTA to encourage your prospects leads to book a meeting or reply back to you

  • A thank you screen 

5. Create the sales video 

Depending on the type of video you are making, whether it's about SEO services, restaurant, or an online shopping store you record yourself, take screenshots of your product, or pull up some stock videos. Here are a few things you should keep in mind when assembling the different elements for your sales video:

  • If your recording, use the best lighting possible and get clear sound

  • Add subtitles if there is even the slightest chance that people might not be able to understand what is being said in the video

  • Use relevant stock videos with the correct licensing rights. Avoid using stock media that is too common

  • When adding screenshots or a walkthrough video of your product, add annotations to make them easily understandable

  • Make sure that your video is under a minute and not longer than that

  • Include any useful tips or resources that your leads might find useful 

  • Add a dash of personality to your video

When you have all the video elements with you, you can use a free video editor like Clipchamp to compile them together and make an engaging video that aligns with your sales outreach goals and brand identity. Clipchamp is a simple, yet powerful video editing tool that lets you create high-quality videos in just a few clicks. It also has a wide library of video templates along with advanced video editing features, cool filters, and special effects.

Clipchamp Video editor landing page step by step GIF

5. Send your email 

Videos are a powerful way to reach out to your prospects but they won’t necessarily work on their own. Your email that includes the sales video should also be compelling enough to make the prospects open the email and click on your video. 

You should use the word ‘video’ in your email subject line and also make sure to include a brief intro and reason behind the video in your copy before dropping the video link. You should ideally use this space to provide context about what the video is about and why they should watch it. 

Instead of attaching the video directly into every email, which can be a lot of work and also make it difficult for your prospects to share it with other people on their team, you should upload it on YouTube and then embed it into the email. Another useful solution would be to use a sales engagement platform and use an automation software that allows to to automate email outreach and include a video in each email.

Start converting leads online with sales outreach videos

There is no denying that creating customized sales outreach videos can help you in closing deals and making more personal connections with prospective customers.

While it can seem a bit challenging at first to implement video marketing for email, with the right strategies and tools the process becomes all the easier. Once you start seeing the visible positive effects of your sales outreach videos, your team will only be itching to make more and more. Good luck!

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