Video Marketing

How Can Videos Build Customer Loyalty - Essential Guide + Free Templates 

Posted November 24, 2020
Written by Rachel Surgeoner

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We consumers are smart. We’re served thousands of pixels of video everyday — what makes us pause the thumb scroll and stop in our tracks to watch a particular video? Engagement.

If a customer takes a genuine interest in your brand, product or service it’s because you’re doing something right. These are the customers who pick up what you’re putting down. These are the customers who share your content with their networks. You don’t need celebrity endorsement or a big video production budget to get this kind of loyalty, you just need to understand how to build and keep a relationship with your customer.  

In this blog, we’ll discuss what customer engagement is and why video is such a powerful tool for building brand loyalty. We’ll also touch on digital marketing trends and how to get a slice of that customer loyalty pie.

How Can Videos Build Customer Loyalty Essential GuideFree Templates Clipchamp Video Editing Blog

Customer Engagement Strategy

Before we discuss why customer loyalty is vital for all businesses—especially small ones—let’s first define, what is customer engagement? At its core, customer engagement is any interaction between your customer and your brand. 

And, increasingly, the most effective form of interaction is—you guessed it—video! 

Video can build customer loyalty for your brand. With e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and Squarespace, it’s easy for just about anyone to start a small business. As e-commerce continues to boom, there’s been a big focus on clicks, conversions and acquisitions. Clicks aside, how you establish a loyal customer base is to find a way to build an emotional connection between them and your brand. 

This is where the emotive nature of video plays to its strengths. Video content is great because you can include lots of information in an easy-to-digest manner as well as express emotions better than with email—think a live visual support call versus an old-school support phone call.

Let’s take a deeper look at video marketing strategy...  

As far as digital marketing trends go, video is no longer a ‘nice to have’ for marketers—it’s a must-have! Video marketing helps tell your brand’s story and connect with your audience. 

UK publisher and online learning platform Smart Insights reported this year, 2020, that “according to 88% of marketers, video marketing provides them with positive ROI (Return on Investment). When you consider that only 33% said the same in 2015, it shows that consumer sentiment toward videos is much stronger now.”

How Can Videos Build Customer Loyalty Essential GuideFree Templates Clipchamp Video Editing Blog

In fact, Google says “6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV.” ROI agency Zenith Media estimates that “the average person will spend 100 minutes each day watching online video in 2021”, and forecasts that “advertising expenditure on online video will rise from US$45bn this year to US$61bn by 2021.” 

Those are some big bucks. How can your small business get a slice of this video pie? 

Read on for more of our video marketing tips...

Video Marketing  

Marketing videos can be made in many different formats—from direct customer testimonials to tutorials, video blogs (vlogs), interviews, live streams, webinars, and good old fashioned ads—to name a few! Let’s not forget the power of word-of-mouth and referral marketing to help garner your engagement online. 

So, we know video works but how does it engage customers better?

We humans are visual creatures, we find video more memorable than any other type of content out there. American business magazine Forbes says “viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text.”

Check out these tips for creating engaging videos for your customers:

5 tips to attract loyal customers (and keep them coming back!)

1. Create high-quality video content

You don’t have to hire a production crew to make a high-quality video. You can check out our library of video templates and audio for creating a personalized video for your brand, product or service. 

Here’s a fun example of a great low-budget video with high impact (okay, and some pretty great coordination):

2. Create a unique style 

Try using video filters for consistency, this will give your brand its own feel and help keep your visual messaging uniform. Clipchamp’s video filters editor lets you use filters and transition tools to give your video edits a consistent look and feel. 

Through Facebook’s Spark AR Studio you can even create unique AR (augmented reality) filters for Instagram Stories. 

Check out Ri Ri’s Diamond Headpiece AR Filter:

Lots of brands are jumping on this trend

3. Encourage social sharing 

Want to make friends with your customer? You’ve got to be in their social orbit. Sharing your video on social media can help foster your existing customer relationships, but is also the ideal playground for getting new eyes on your content too. If you’re lucky (and your content is dope) your loyal customers might share your video! Relatable videos are what drives engagement. #goviral

Videos that tend to get the shares often feature:

  • Practical hacks, DIY tips and how-to videos

  • Animals being cute

  • Food and recipes 

Be real and transparent on social media—no one likes that friend with the one-sided conversation,  be sure to respond to questions and comments and encourage the conversation!

Remember: always upload your videos to social media in a mobile-friendly format and don’t forget all your relevant hashtags to help boost your video search results. 

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Video Formats for more info. 

4. Put it in an email! 

Introductory emails (your inbox is likely full of them, usually offering a perfunctory 10% off your first purchase… you know the ones). Which are the ones you don’t hit unsubscribe on? Emails with a unique video click through perform well, as do personalized video messages. Try it!

A popular method is to prepare a personalized video for your customer after they’ve made their first purchase or meaningful interaction with your brand or organisation. 

Here’s an example of a personalized thank you from Amnesty International.

There’s no two email marketing videos the same—for a personalized email, whatever the format; a clever animation or speaking directly to the camera—you want it to be authentic.  

Everyone likes to feel special, and that’s why personalized video helps build customer engagement. A simple detail like adding your customer’s name or detail that’s relevant to them can strengthen your customer relationship. 

With Clipchamp you can fully customize our templates with your own footage and logo to make it yours. Here’s more on how to create video emails

5. Call-to-action

What’s the purpose of your video? Is it to sell a product, or entice the viewer to visit your website or attend an event? Whatever the motivation—make it clear and make it short and sweet. 

Here’s an example of a fun video ad with a very clear message and call-to-action:

Now you’re ready to create some clever brand videos. Will you sit down and tell your customers how much their support means, make an unique Instagram AR filter, or put a cool animated video in your next customer welcome email? 

Whatever the idea, Clipchamp can help you get started! Find inspiration in our video templates, or to bring your video to life with our easy video editing tools.

Don't forget to check out our library of video templates and audio for creating a personalized video for your brand, product or service. 

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Start creating free videos with Clipchamp