Video Marketing

How customer testimonials can win deals for your marketing agency

Posted August 26, 2021
Written by Mehdi Hussen

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We’ve all frantically searched the internet for reviews and customer testimonials before clicking the checkout or book now button. For good reason, we seem to trust fellow customer opinions and feelings more so than a marketing description. 

Young sales professional holding laptop happily

92% of people said they read testimonials when considering a purchase either online or in-store. Reading testimonials and reviews might just be the encouragement or trust a customer needs to follow through and make a purchase. 

So how can your marketing agency leverage the hidden power of customer testimonials and make more sales? Read on to find out! 

What is a customer testimonial?

Marketing is all about making a potential prospect into a lifelong returning customer. One of the most effective ways to do so is through the trust and guidance of customer testimonials. 

Customer testimonials are quotes or personal anecdotes from past customers that demonstrate how a particular product or service has helped them overcome a challenge.

Whether your customers are looking for a vacation home to rent or a new marketing agency to grow their business, seeing how existing customers or clients about their experience will be the deciding factor. 

Customer testimonials are so important to your business as they help create a deeper connection and appeal to your branding. Testimonials can help businesses generate 62% more revenue. Even a simple Google search will show Google star ratings and text reviews from strangers all over the world. 

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Types of testimonials your marketing agency can use

There are many different types of customer testimonials that your marketing agency can use. The beauty of customer testimonials are that they aren’t limited to be posted on one platform. 

Irrespective of the platform and channel, testimonials take two forms: the written form or the visual form—either an image or a video. 

1. Video testimonials

Video testimonials are one of the most trusted forms of customer testimonials as it’s difficult to not look authentic on video. Video testimonials can also be posted on any platform, are easy to create with the help of Clipchamp’s online video editor and are so much fun.

2. Online reviews

One of the most popular forms of a customer testimonial is an online review. Online reviews can be found on peer-to-peer websites like Google my Business,, Goodfirms and many others. Client reviews can also be found on freelancing websites like Fiverr, Upwork, or even career-based websites like Glassdoor. 

Screenshot of google my business reviews

3. Star ratings

Star ratings are a rating a customer or client gives on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being the highest excellence star and 1 being the least. Star ratings can be found when viewing a product on a website, a website landing page or on an individual service marketplace. 

Screenshot of star reviews

4. Quote testimonials

Quote testimonials are great for getting a clear insight into a brand, product or service that prospects are researching. They’re specific customer statements personally written that are showcased on a website or social media platform. 

Screenshot of customer testimonials on Clipchamp

5. Social media testimonials

A social media testimonial is popular in today’s era. They’re usually accompanied by a star rating and text review.

Screenshot of testimonial social media posts on Instagram

6. Case studies

A case study is a detailed imploration into the problems that the customer faced and how it was overcome with the business offering, complete with anecdotes and data points from the customer.

7. Documentaries

A documentary customer testimonial is a detailed short film of sorts that delves deep into the customer story. It explains how the product helped them overcome challenges, achieve efficiencies or chart a new growth story. 

8. Media coverage

Receiving media coverage can be a major positive for your marketing agency or a huge negative if done incorrectly. This includes press releases, feature coverage and many more published on social media, newspapers, digital mediums and more. You can also find media coverage under the News tab on Google.

Screenshot of a news article about an agency winning an account

What makes client testimonials an ally for marketing agencies?

No matter what type of customer testimonial you decide to work with, they all have an immense power to persuade clients to opt for your marketing agency over your competitors. Let’s take a look at why testimonials are a must-have for your marketing agency. 

1. Testimonials build trust

As we know by now, customer testimonials establish trust between brand and client. 92% of consumers around the world now say they trust word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. Even though a testimonial is most likely from a stranger, their credibility can be traced. Testimonials from a CEO, CTO, or senior executive can easily make a client believe in the capabilities of your marketing agency and consider working with your agency.

Neal Taparia, head of Spider Solitaire Challenge explains, “When we added customer quotes next in the subscription flow of our premium gaming servicing, we found conversions increased considerably. Our consumers wanted to know that others subscribe, and that validation gave them confidence in their buying process”.

2. Testimonials validate the buyer’s choice

Most often, as individuals, we find comfort and safety in following the actions that others have already tried and tested. Robbery Cialdini, author of ‘Influence: Science and Practice’ proves this theory and explains why customers follow in other’s footsteps when it comes to decision making

So past customers' experiences are documented in video, text, or image form. These act as a source of validation for prospects who are sitting on the fence regarding a purchase decision. 

Testimonials reaffirm to your prospective clients that the decision that they are considering is worthwhile and a good one. This makes it easy for your marketing agency to win them as a client.

Screenshot of Madison Miles YouTube channel

Source: Madison/miles mediaYouTube channel

3. Testimonials answer lingering questions

Even in a B2C scenario, before making a purchase, any buyer’s mind will be a hornet’s nest of bustling questions. They may not be able to put down in exact words and phrases these questions that could be holding them back from making the purchase. 

In a B2B scenario, like choosing a marketing agency, this is even more complex. The final decision is dependent on several moving parts, but there are multiple stakeholders involved.

Testimonials often answer these undefined questions helping the prospect make an informed final decision. This could include details about the tenure of the agreement, the contract price, the deliverables, and many more. 

Example of a testimonial for an SEO agency

4. Testimonials are genuine customer stories

Successful marketing tells a story rather than hard-selling. Sharing stories sell better than passive mission statements and product brochures. 

Testimonials have a strong narrative that makes them more appealing to consume. Without even realising, when you listen to a story, customers also become aware of the product, main features, and benefits it can offer. A story can prove your business is the solution to their pain point. 

Even staged testimonials have a genuine nature. They’re unfiltered customer thoughts and impressions about your marketing agency that makes them more reliable than other forms of marketing. Marketers prefer using survey tools to send surveys to their customers to collect detailed insights.

5. Testimonials are emotional anchors

Customer testimonials hold an enormous power when it comes to forming an emotional anchor. Potential customers will relate to existing customers through similar pain points, leaving them feeling emotionally connected to the testimonial. As a result, prospects are likely to proceed with their purchase. 

6. Shareability on social meda

Testimonials are usually in text, image or video format, therefore making them easy to share across different social media platforms and email. They also make for the perfect quote bubble for a tool like Messinglettr to create a schedule automatically. 

Testimonials have a high shareability rate, which maximizes brand awareness. With the customer’s permission, your performance marketing agency can run specific campaigns on social media, Google ads and display ads portraying the goodness of your product or service. 

So, should your marketing agency consider customer testimonials?

Absolutely! There's no doubt that testimonials can persuade clients to work with your marketing agency. Testimonials are an extremely beneficial marketing tool that can maximize brand awareness and position your marketing agency as a reliable source.

There are a lot of tools to help you add a testimonial to your website easily. If you're using a WordPress site, a website owner can quickly add testimonials with custom fields without touching any lines of code.

Ready to make a customer testimonial video?

The options are endless. With video testimonials becoming the leading form of testimonial marketing, they’re extremely easy to consume and more credible in nature.

Clipchamp’s online video editor can help your marketing agency create positive video testimonials for any platform. From landing page videos to review website videos, make it with Clipchamp.

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