Video Marketing

How your B2B business can leverage webinars to transform sales

Posted August 4, 2021
Written by Ritika Tiwari

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Does your B2B business want to increase sales and attract long-term customers?  Has your team ever tried leveraging webinars in different stages of the sales funnel?

If you're thinking webinars are boring and so yesterday, here's a surprising stat for you—95% of B2B marketers still say webinars are one of the leading marketing tools for generating leads and boosting sales, with a single webinar reaching up to 1000 leads.

How your B2B business can leverage webinars to transform sales CC thumbnail

Learn how your B2B marketplace can leverage webinars throughout the entire buyer’s journey to increase sales with Clipchamp’s top tips. 

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a video presentation, seminar, lecture, or workshop that's delivered virtually over the internet. Webinars are more relevant than ever in today’s digital and social distancing world with 19,292 webinars hosted in April 2020 alone. Webinars are known for their top-of-funnel lead generation ability.

Why hosting webinars can help your business

Video content can build trust between your brand and audience, create community and ultimately, generate more sales.

Customers prefer to watch and listen to a sales video rather than read through a large chunk of text, so hosting webinars is a way to convey lots of information about your business in an engaging way.

Here are other reasons we think sales webinars are great!

1. Webinars target different stages of your buyer’s journey

Generating leads is fantastic, but it’s not enough to keep your business afloat. Ultimately, your goal is to entice your prospects through webinars so they follow through with their purchase. It’s time-consuming creating new video content from scratch. Why not leverage your webinar content instead?

Webinars make for great video marketing. They’re easy to consume and hardly need any video editing.

All you have to do is change the format of your webinar to fit different existing sales campaigns of the sales stages. Not every prospect wants to know the same information about your product or service, so changing up the content format can positively impact your sales.

The buyer's journey

Source: Aira

Top of the funnel or evergreen webinars are perfect for creating hub pages and more backlinks to improve the SEO performance of your website. 

Your marketing team can leave webinars ungated (or open to public) and link them to related content to maximize internal linking.

A great way to achieve this is by publishing a webinar on a separate landing page and then linking it to related blog posts. By doing this, webinars can turn into content discovery points and allow your business to test out which topics are more popular among your target audience.

3. Redeem webinars that weren't successful

It’s extremely common for some webinars to be more successful than others. That doesn’t mean the lower-performing webinars should be deleted forever! Less successful webinars can still be leveraged through content repurposing. Think turning good lines into interesting, short promotional video content.

Your team has likely spent hours researching the topic and developing the webinar sales just wasn’t that successful. Think of reusing that content in a blog or ebook and test if it gets better traction. Always repurpose content to save time and resources.

When creating targeted content, all you have to do is transcribe and rewrite the webinar in a more fitting format and engaging manner to suit your desired target audience.

3 easy hacks to get higher ROI from webinar content

Let's explore how you can leverage your webinar content and maximize ROI from your content (and how our online video editor can help!).

1. Showcase key webinar moments on social media

Repurposing your webinar content is all about picking and choosing the most beneficial sections of the video recording. Respect others time and edit your webinar with Clipchamp into more engaging and interesting, shorter clips to capture the attention of your audience faster and for longer.

You can easily create multiple digestible 30-second videos showcasing your webinars top moments are share them on social media. 

You don’t have to be a tech-savvy genius to create entertaining videos. Editing your webinar with Clipchamp’s online video editor is extremely time-efficient and best of all, free. All you have to do is select a ready-to-use video template, add in your video content and personalize with your branding

If you’re feeling confident, you’re able to also start from scratch. Trim your webinar videos, import personal photos and videos, text and filters to make your video clips more engaging. Share them directly after exporting with Clipchamp’s saving integrations. 

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2. Convert your recording into an on-demand webinar

Sometimes customers aren’t always available when a live webinar is scheduled. That’s why on-demand webinars are so useful!

21.7% of a webinars audience now watch it exclusively on-demand while 13% watches a webinar live and rewatches on-demand. 

If your business limits webinars to live attendees only, you’ll be restricting access to other leads who might be interested. Offering webinars on-demand means their benefits can remain in place, moving prospects through the buyer cycle, generating leads and possible sales even after they’ve concluded. 

If you’ve forgotten to include any information in your live webinar, you can always use Clipchamp’s webcam recorder to film and add to your webinar video.

If your product is online, our screen and camera recorder can effectively communicate your message in no time. 

Di chuột qua công cụ bản ghi màn hình và camera trong thanh bên Clipchamp.

3. Turn your webinar material into an online course

Your webinar recordings are a great way to increase your chances of closing a sale if your business relies on being a niche thought leader.

Let’s say your product team manager is the key speaker of your webinar and they're discussing your product's advanced features and benefits.

Depending on the response of the webinar, you could consider turning it into a 2-part or 3-part online course marked with chapters to support your prospects' journey.

Ready to use webinars to fuel your sales efforts?

Our advice is clear. Don't overlook webinars! You can also use them to collect feedback from your viewers and further improve your content.

When you're ready to repurpose your webinar recording, sign up to a free Clipchamp account.

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