Video Editing

12 top tips for Pinterest creators from viral Pinner Jojotastic

Posted May 12, 2021
Written by Lana Sciasci

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It’s no secret that when you’re searching for inspiration or a fresh idea, Pinterest is the go-to platform to find it. But with over 450 million monthly users, and a sea of content from Pinners all around the world, getting noticed can seem daunting. Pinterest is all about sharing different types and formats of content - Static Pins, Story Pins, and Video Pins. Offering content for a wide variety of purposes and uses is almost essential.  So what makes Pinners click, and what’s the best way for creators to engage with their audience? Read on as we share 12 top tips from acclaimed and viral Pinner, Jojotastic.

Jojotastic's top 12 tips

“Firstly I ask myself, is this piece of content something you’d like to see pop up in your Pinterest feed? Would you enjoy viewing, and maybe even click on it? If yes, then great! If not, step back and consider it and create something that you would want to see.”

Jojotastic Quote 1

Tip 1 - Build a strong profile

It sounds simple, but it’s effective. Ensure you completely fill out your profile, your bio and name, board descriptions, board names, and claim your website. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so making sure your profile is as strong as possible secures your keywords and enables a higher chance that people will find you, opposed to a board or profile with no description or name.

Tip 2 - Quality

It almost goes without saying, but quality is of the utmost importance when it comes to user engagement and retention. Make sure you’re putting your best content forward, spend more time investing in ensuring it’s the best it can be! Don’t let Pinners cringe at that blurry, out of focus and unfiltered Pin we’ve all seen before - quality over everything!

Tip 3 - Templates

Make sure everything you share on your feed is cohesive, and representative of your brand. Whether it’s colors, font, or graphics, consistency is key, and using a template is a simple way to do this. Check out the Jojotastic x Clipchamp templates to spark your creativity.

Tip 4 - Closed captioning

The importance of captioning lies in its ability to make videos more inclusive and accessible in multiple ways. It allows those who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing the capability to watch videos, it helps the retention of information and aids in focus and also caters to sound-sensitive environments. Having captioning is another way to reach and connect with all Pinners, and bonus - it’s incredibly easy to caption with Clipchamp! Try it out here.

Tip 5 - Video tags

Video tags are Pinterest’s way of categorizing your content, think of it as an Instagram hashtag, you know it works - so use it! The easiest way to benefit is to make sure you use the most amount of tags, the most applicable tags, and again fill out all the information being asked.

Make sure to embed your logo wherever possible to brand your content. It’s a visual reminder of where that content came from and helps in user retention. A super useful feature in Clipchamp is its ability to easily embed a logo into any piece of content.

Becoming an early adopter of trends and new features, as well as keeping on top of pop culture, is a great way to get your content seen. Jump on the latest trends and strategize how that can work for you, your brand, business, and content.

Tip 8 - Pay attention to your stats

Monthly, and even fortnightly, reporting and reviewing is essential to your growth within Pinterest. Why? Because working out what has and hasn’t worked recently, defining strengths and weaknesses, and working on new strategies based on your findings is the only way to push you forward. Things move fast in the world of social media, so make sure you’re taking a step back every so often to ensure you’re moving with it.

Tip 9 - Authenticity

Be yourself and be real. Because at the end of the day, that’s why your audience is there. Find something about you, your brand, or your business that people are going to be intrigued by and want to follow along for. But you can’t do that unless you’re being your authentic self.

Tip 10 - Connection is key

Connecting with your followers and audience is not just about the content that you push out. Responding to comments, responding to direct messages, and even following someone back are simple gestures that go a long way. At the end of the day your followers are the reason you post, the reason that your page is being viewed, so make the effort to show you care.

Tip 11 - Repurpose

The magic of Pinterest is that your old content can circle straight back to the top at any time. So ask yourself how you can build and benefit from that. Take a look through your feed and ask yourself how you can repurpose your older content and make it feel fresh again. Lastly, using it on other platforms is another great way to get more eyes on you. It’s easy to get your content ready for all other social platforms with Clipchamp, where they have a built-in aspect ratio adjuster! Learn more about the importance of aspect ratios here.

Tip 12 - Cross-promote

Don’t treat your social media accounts as separate entities, and don’t be afraid to say “Hey, I’m on Pinterest, check out the link in my bio!”. Cross-promote yourself to your heart's content, and let people know you have other platforms because it’s very likely they’d love to follow you over there too!

Jojotastic Quote 2

You're ready to go

Ready to take these 12 tips and put them into action by making your own Pinworthy video ads? Start by signing up to Clipchamp for unlimited video creation and access to thousands of quality stock options, transitions, effects, and more!

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