Video Marketing

How to use Pinterest video to promote your business

Posted March 10, 2021
Written by Lana Sciasci

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A woman sits at a desk browsing Pinterest on her laptop.

In a marketing landscape dominated by big data and complicated strategies, Pinterest remembers something important – inspiration matters. The visual search engine is a breath of fresh air for businesses looking to promote themselves online – it’s creative, visual, and fun.  

It delivers results too – 83% of Pinners have made a purchase based on content they saw from a brand on Pinterest. Oh, and did we mention it can cut costs? Ads on Pinterest deliver 2.3 x lower cost per conversion vs. ads on social media

It sounds good to us, so we’ve partnered with Pinterest to let you share your business’ video Pins directly from Clipchamp. In this blog, we’ll offer up ideas for how to use Pinterest video to promote your business. Read on for all of the good stuff.

Explore all of your options

Close-up of a person sitting at a desk. Their laptop is open to Pinterest, they are also holding a smartphone that shows the Pinterest login page.

Pinterest has a lot to offer for businesses who want to create content. We suggest exploring all three of the below options where you can share your video Pins for a well-rounded approach.


The original way to Pin. Create video Pins, allocate them to a themed board, name and caption them with some keywords and let them attract an audience the good old-fashioned way. Organic Pins are a great way to build up your Pinterest profile presence and show Pinners that you’re not solely there to post ads. 

Create video Pin ads with a target audience in mind. These can highlight specific products your business is selling and include key elements like your logo and an actionable CTA.  


Connect your online store to your Pinterest profile by creating a catalog. Pinterest now offers a lot of shopping tools to support the attention gained by your video Pins.

Create educational content 

Pinners are big on authenticity, so it’s essential to understand what they’re searching for on the platform and deliver it. In many cases, this equals educational content – think tutorials, how-tos, and DIY hacks.

Look to create an educational video that makes sense for your business. Pinterest highlights Tastemade as a great example. They’re a food website, so they create helpful (and delicious) recipe video Pins using Story Pins.

Keep up with your calendar

Seasonal content is a goldmine for businesses trying to gain traction on Pinterest. We’re talking major holidays like Halloween and Christmas and big life moments like weddings and graduations. In 2019, 439 million Valentine’s Day Pins were saved, and 57 million Pinners searched for “back to college” Pins. 

Jump on the celebratory bandwagon and create video Pins for every occasion. Check out a great example by beauty brand Ulta below.

Don’t fake it ‘til you make it

Pinners want to connect with businesses. In fact, the number of Pinners engaging with shopping content on Pinterest has increased 44% year on year. One thing they don’t want is an inauthentic brand. So, while you plan paid campaigns, it’s essential to continue your organic posting. 

Curate beautiful content across a range of boards, and you’ll impress the Pinner community. Like we said before – inspiration matters. A great example is Glossier, which has developed a cult-like following across many platforms, including Pinterest, by posting authentic, organic content.

Screenshot of Glossier's Pinterest boards.

It’s time to get down to (Pinterest) business

We hope we’ve got you feeling inspired to start creating video Pins for your business. It’s now even easier using Clipchamp’s Pinterest integration. Now, off you go and create beautiful, Pinterest-ready videos.

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