Video Marketing

How thought leadership videos can support your sales funnel

Posted May 31, 2021
Written by String Nguyen

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This blog is authored by String Nguyen, a Clipchamp video champion.

No matter who your target audience is, video is the leading medium for sharing thought leadership content with the world right now. 

As a social media influencer, I wanted to share my experience with thought leadership on different social media channels and how solopreneurs, coaches and consultants like me can use it to support their sales funnel. 

Read on to uncover bonus tips and tricks that I’ve benefited from personally!

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What is thought leadership in the context of social media in 2021? 

When I think about “thought leadership” in 2021, I believe it’s any person who is a trusted voice in their community. 

In saying this, anyone can have an opinion, but a thought leader is someone who has years of expertise in a field and has built a reputation for being knowledgeable.

A thought leader is a clear communicator—they are very clear about the technical speaking as well as what values they represent.

Video is the ultimate trust accelerator. It’s been key to assisting thought leaders deliver their ideas confidently and reach more people on social media. 

My “fried chicken” social media approach

Before we talk about my favorite thought leadership platforms, I want to give a simple introduction to how I approach social media and create content specific to each platform. 

If you follow me online, you know I love “fried chicken”. So, let’s say I want to share a “fried chicken” story on different social media platforms. This is what each different post would sound like (in my opinion) according to the specific tone of voice used on the platform.

Facebook: “I like fried chicken”. 

Twitter: “I like #friedchicken”. 

LinkedIn: “I’m a CEO of a fried chicken franchise”. 

Pinterest: “Here are all my pinned posts about fried chicken recipes”. 

Spotify: “Here are all my playlists of rap songs about fried chicken”. 

YouTube: “Watch me talk about fried chicken and why you could make money off it”. 

Clubhouse: “I have office hours on how to be a millionaire using fried chicken”. 

Snapchat: “Let me show you something shocking about fried chicken”.

TikTok: “I’m dancing with this fried chicken drumstick”. 

Luckily, a thought leadership video is perfect content for sharing on many different social media platforms.

How thought leadership videos can impact a sales funnel 

Thought leadership videos are high-level, top-of-funnel content, meaning they are perfect for businesses looking to establish themselves as leaders of their industry. 

If planned correctly, they can strengthen your brand identity as well as impact your business sales funnel.  

The beauty of being a thought leader is that you can use live streaming to assist your sales revenue! My client who is a career coach creates a Livestream called “Office Hours” twice a week. If you’re new and worrying about attendees, cross-promote that you are doing these sessions. People who regularly listen to you and enjoy your content will come and hang out with you on whatever platform. 

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How to generate video ideas for thought leadership topics

For new coaches wanting video ideas for their business or to promote themselves, here are my top 3 recommendations:

1. Google your topic: do you find information you agree with? Or do you find information you think are myths? A quick search will help you identify the trends in your industry, and give you things to turn the camera on and talk about. 

2. Utilize a keyword research tool: once you find some niche talking points, use a simple keyword research tool like Ubersuggest or KeywordTool to get a sense of which is more popular. This way you can focus your effort on highly-searched for topics and be visible faster. 

3. Ask your audience: take advantage of your audience to source questions for you to answer. Basically, it’s a win-win. If your audience asks you questions, they both fuel and consume the content you produce. Ask viewers to tell you what’s on top of their minds so you can uncover trending topics. Instagram offers an excellent feature for businesses to get to know their audience with their Story Polls. Definitely check it out! 

Food for thought(leaders)

Thought leadership videos are highly shareable, making them a major asset to brand identity and your sales funnel.

With online video editors and apps like Clipchamp, this is a new low-effort, high-impact way to boost your online conversation and increase engagement. 

Remember that video is a trust accelerator, so you can start anywhere and deliver their ideas confidently.

Keep in mind when using thought leadership videos, you need to tailor your delivery differently for every social media platform. 

If you found these tips useful, follow @StringStory on Instagram for more. Good luck with your video marketing journey.

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