Video Marketing

How your business can increase engagement with video surveys

Posted December 22, 2021
Written by Richard Conn

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Are you looking to collect qualitative customer insights? Whether you’re selling handmade goods, technology products, or providing a helpful service, video survey feedback is a powerful tool for any business. 

How your business can increase engagement with video surveys CC thumbnail

Compared to a long-form multiple-choice questionnaire, video surveys can lead to a higher participation rate. Why? Because video helps better communicate queries and adds empathy to your brand. 

Unlike phone call surveys, video surveys let customers watch, re-watch, and answer in their own time. Just by adding one or more embedded videos to your survey questions, your business can gain 12 times more feedback than a regular text or photo survey. And they’re twice as fast as traditional in-person feedback sessions. 

So, what are the advantages of using video in your business research? Let’s explore everything you need to know about how to increase engagement with video surveys. 

What is a video survey?

A video survey is like any other regular survey or questionnaire but has one or more embedded videos in each question. Customers can also respond to video surveys with video answers of their own. 

Video survey tools demonstrate customers’ thoughts and opinions, allowing businesses to better understand their target market. Like YouTube analytics, video surveys share beneficial insights into lead generation, audience engagement, and customer testimonials. 

Online surveys were once created to capture retail data analytics. But over time 59% of executives prefer adding video to their surveys, as 90% more information is retained. Videos are a great way to hold customers' attention and increase the amount of feedback they’re willing to share. 

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Advantages of using video surveys

Benefits are abundant to incorporating video surveys into your future customer feedback strategy. Get real-time feedback, increase survey response rates and qualitative understanding, eliminate survey response bias, and reach customers in their environment to drive authenticity. 

1. Video surveys are practical and time-efficient

Make customer feedback more practical and time-efficient with video surveys. Customers can skip through video questions to relevant sections, and businesses can re-watch customer feedback videos. Who wouldn’t want the ability to skip through your team's phone call sessions? They’re easy to understand and give customers the chance to answer in their own time. 

2. Tell a story through video surveys

Video is a natural storytelling tool and can humanize the survey process. They’re easy to consume, re-watch at any time, and even can be viewed with video captions for further assistance. Customers can also record their video survey responses, to make customer experience KPIs more accurate. 

3. Engage customers for longer

Whether you’re a small business, pop-up store, or a global enterprise, video adds extra value to your brand. 70% of markets say video increases engagement rates, especially through video surveys. But we’re not referring to an influencer or digital marketing. Businesses view time engagement as the second most important element of video engagement results. Unlike cold calls or online calling apps, customers are more likely to respond to video surveys.

Video survey engagement data

Source: Statista 

How video surveys can help your business

Now that we know what video surveys are, and their advantages, how can they help your business? There are plenty of reasons why video helps marketing. Let’s take a look at how video surveys can grow your business

Improve customer experience

Any business should make their customer's experience feel as easy and positive as possible. Once your customers are satisfied with their experience and service, you should encourage them to share their feedback. Customer testimonials and feedback through video surveys allow your business to make any improvements moving forward. 

Improve employee experience

Your employees are just as important as your customers. Video surveys can also let employees share their thoughts and feedback to successfully run your business. Make sure to ask for their role, experiences, and share honest reviews. Gathering employee feedback lets them know their views are valid, appreciated, and your business is willing to make changes if necessary. 

Increase market research

Video surveys are the perfect way to gather customer feedback faster and solve their pain points. Customer stories are twenty-two times more memorable than statistics. So their opinion matters. You can even share their positive responses with future customers, and how you will solve their frustrations. Adding a personal touch to your brand and feedback might just give you the upper hand over your competitors. 

Video survey tools

Not sure how to create video surveys? Video survey tools like QuestionPro and Videoask are handy tools for any business who’s looking to up their survey game. But before you post videos to a video survey platform, you’ll have to create a video first. 

Create helpful customer survey videos with Clipchamp’s free online video editor. Easily record, edit, and share videos of all genres without having to leave your web browser. If you’re stuck for ideas, browse our library of fully customizable videos. If you want to improve the customer experience on your site, you can easily add a WordPress survey plugin or other widget tools.

Create memorable video surveys today

With video surveys, your business can receive beneficial customer feedback, interact with customers in real-time, and build a positive community. Humanize your business through video.

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