Video Marketing

How to Create a Virtual Open House Video

Posted August 10, 2020
Written by Lana Sciasci

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How to Create a Virtual Open House Video

If we know anything about real estate, it’s that nothing is more important than location, location, location. So, what happens when you're a real estate agent and all of your buyers are at home thanks to a pandemic? Three words – virtual open house. Yes, alongside online-only auctions and private inspections, virtual open houses are trending in a property market reshaped by COVID-19.

What is a virtual open house?

Forget VR headsets and expensive technology, virtual open houses are a lot simpler than they sound. All they really are, are great real estate videos that showcase properties for sale. As a minimum, a virtual open house video should provide a full walkthrough of the property. Beyond that, a real estate agent's imagination can run wild (after all, the best real estate agents get creative with their open house ideas. Although we recommend checking out our top tips below.

What is a virtual open house?

How to make a virtual open house video

Once you have the keys to the property and a camera (or iPhone) at the ready, try out some of these virtual open house tips.

Create an inviting space

Once upon a time, real estate agents would bake cookies in the oven during an open house. The hope was that the smell would be so warm and inviting you’d feel right at home and make an offer. Unfortunately, buyers can’t smell baked goods through the computer and, as it turns out, cookies aren’t as effective at selling houses as a well-styled interior.

Even though your virtual open house will be empty, it’s important to make it feel lived in. Clean up the space, add some neutral homewares and light a few candles for an inviting atmosphere.

Foster a sense of community

At times like these, buyers can feel isolated – introduce them to the community your property is a part of to solve this. You might want to include a quick walking tour of the area, a look at google maps or even a breakdown of local highlights like schools, retail and hospitality venues. This effort won’t go unnoticed by potential buyers – 86% of whom search for videos about the neighbourhood before buying a house.

Add your personal touch

Want to know what your point of difference is? It’s you! Yes, you might want to consider making an appearance in your virtual open house video. It turns out human faces have a hugely positive impact on marketing videos! According to Business2Community, a personal appearance can strengthen your brand identity, improve memorability and make you appear more trustworthy. Win, win, win!

Include a CTA

The purpose of a virtual open house video is to sell a property! That’s why it’s important to include a few calls to action or CTAs to get that ball rolling. So, what actions do you want viewers to take? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Visit the property listing for more information.

  • Call “insert phone number” to book a private inspection.

  • Make an offer online.

Keep things concise

Online audiences have notoriously short attention spans, busy house hunters even more so. Two minutes seems to be the video length sweet spot – 56% of all videos published in 2018 were less than 2 minutes long.

Virtual open house video examples

Check out a couple of excellent virtual open house videos below to get inspired!

North Group Real Estate

Open House 24

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