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What these 8 companies can teach you about video testimonials

Posted October 29, 2021
Written by Jimmy Rodriguez

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A well-crafted customer testimonial video is so powerful. It reassures potential customers more than any of your own advertising ever can. If you find creating an honest and engaging customer testimonial is hard, get inspired by these testimonial video success stories.

Learn how to create video testimonials that drive sales from these great examples.

1. Hootsuite

Some brand testimonials just revolve around how excellent a service or product is. So, you’d usually see a person from that company enumerating what that product or service has that its competitors don’t have. Hootsuite, however, opted to do something different. It showcased its collaboration with Wiley Publishing. 

Hootsuite touched on Wiley’s challenges and showed how its product addressed these problems. Because these were the same challenges Hootsuite’s target audience were facing, the video worked perfectly. Viewers were able to see precisely how they could benefit from Hootsuite’s service. 

In other words, to craft an impactful video testimonial, determine the challenges your target audience is facing first. Then find someone you helped who was in their exact situation and let them tell their story.

2. Slack

Customer testimonial videos can be fun and engaging, too. Check out this example from Slack. 

This is a different kind of testimonial video because it’s scripted. It shows how the right tone can help a brand become more relatable to the target audience. If the target audience can connect better with the brand, they are more likely to take the brand’s desired action.

Additionally, the ‘So yeah, we tried Slack’ video does a brilliant job of incorporating Slack’s key features and benefits into the on-camera interviews. The video also explains the brand’s USP and its usefulness.

A little bit of humor can go a long way in leaving that impression on your potential customers. But you also still need to explain how your product can solve your target audience’s problems. Only humor won’t make your target audience take action. You need to give them some value, too.

3. Salesforce

Salesforce is well-known for its impactful marketing. The example below is no different. Instead of hard-selling, Salesforce shows how it empowers people through technology

The video, in particular, showcases the brand’s core values as it presents the real-life journey of the protagonist, Herrera. The protagonist has overcome hardships to get to where she is today. The point of the story is Salesforce helped her become who she is now. The emotional overtone of the story is impactful. It resonates with people looking to make a thriving career in technology. The messaging is also simple. It conveys a very technical concept that would have otherwise not been easy to comprehend.

The result? The video becomes more relatable to viewers and, well, just works.

Moral of the story? Be straightforward and real. Use the power of storytelling to pull at your target audience’s heartstrings and persuade them to act.

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4. Zoom

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies were forced to transition into the digital to ensure their operations would continue. Zoom was quick to recognize the problems these companies were facing. It was quick to acknowledge the critical role the platform could play to help these brands in that transition. So, it came out with a video testimonial that explains precisely that. 

It tapped audio equipment manufacturer Sonos to elucidate how Zoom helped the company adapt amid the pandemic. In the video, Sonos explained how the video conferencing platform helped solve the company’s real-time problems that the pandemic brought to the fore.

The video hit the right spot and got over 885,000 views since its release. It did so well because the video creation and release, simply put, were timely. The content was something the target audience could relate to as well. The “behind the scenes” that showed viewers how Sonos overcame time differences and worked together as a team helped inspire other companies that found themselves in the same situation. 

What’s the takeaway, then? Don’t treat your video testimonial as something isolated from the world. Base its content on what’s happening around you and your target audience. Note the possible changes that can pose problems to your potential customers. Then, highlight those problems. Once you’ve done that successfully, present your product as a solution!

5. Amazon

Evoking viewers’ emotions is an impactful way of marketing. It is, however, also a good idea to speak to your viewers’ rational side. That’s especially true if you’re a B2B brand. You can’t easily sway B2B customers with emotional claims. You’re more likely to convince them to take action with hard facts and statistics.  

That’s not to say you’ll no longer leverage the power of storytelling. After all, that’s the only way you’ll also get your audience’s attention in the first place and sustain it. How should that video look, then? Here’s a great example from Amazon.

Amazon, an eCommerce website, used statistics from sellers to highlight how the brand is making an impact on small and large-scale businesses alike. Amazon’s message in the video is clear: It helps businesses sell products online.Take note, though, that Amazon didn’t just parrot the numbers. It used storytelling to ensure its audience would watch the video in its entirety.

The video testimonial is a perfect example of combining hard facts and storytelling to create an impactful video. It’s all about finding that right balance. 

6. Dropbox for Business

Many businesses usually just highlight one satisfied customer per video testimonial but Dropbox showcased a bunch of their happy customers and put them together in a video montage

The video features at least five companies of different sizes and industries. All the testimonials have a common narrative: they can collaborate, share, and scale their operations flawlessly thanks to Dropbox. 

Dropbox optimized the power of social proof by tapping more than one satisfied customer. You can do that, too. After all, the more positive reviews you can share about your brand, the more likely you’ll convince your target audience your product is worth every investment.

7. Codecademy

You don’t always need a big budget to create a video testimonial that will make an impact. Simple storytelling and a to-the-point narrative can be more than enough to make a video testimonial that inspires your target prospects.

Check out this example from Codecademy, an interactive learning platform. Codecademy is known for its free coding courses that have helped thousands of people in their careers. One of those people is Tommy Nicholas, the co-founder of Knox Payments, a payment platform that has raised more than $1.6 million in funding. The video tells the story of Tommy, who, like many of Codecademy’s subscribers, learned coding through the online learning platform. In the end, Tommy makes machines work for him and runs a successful company.

Note that the video runs for under a minute. The filming is quite standard. Despite all those and in such a short span of time, Codecademy still managed to deliver such a powerful message: that the brand can transform your life.

8. Hubspot

HubSpot is one of the most influential names in the digital marketing world but that doesn’t mean it no longer benefits from video testimonials. Check out its video featuring the story of Endless Entertainment.

The video message is simple: Thanks to Hubspot, Endless Entertainment could now gauge whether its content marketing strategy was working in the first place. 

Endless Entertainment went into further detail into what exactly that meant: That they no longer had to waste time, money, and resources on things that didn’t work for them. Similarly, they could now concentrate on allocating resources to those aspects of content marketing that generated the results they were looking for.

That’s precisely why the video works so well. The video highlights the benefits of Hubspot, not just its features. It helps the target audience understand how a specific Hubspot feature can impact their business operations. 

In short, don’t just parrot what your product has. Explain to your target audience how each feature can specifically help them. 

Ready to make impactful testimonials?

Authenticity is the key to a great video testimonial. Let your satisfied customers tell their story in their unique way. Let them show your target audience how you can help.

The eight video testimonials are examples of how to create engaging stories that capture viewers’ attention. Emphasize the benefits of your products, solve your customer’s problems, use data in your content, and be straightforward with your messaging. Don’t hesitate to use a little bit of humor to make your video enjoyable.

Take inspiration from these successful case studies to create your video testimonials. When you're ready to make your testimonial videos, just drag, drop and edit with Clipchamp.

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