AI video editing

How to transcribe a video

Updated March 12, 2025

"Heads up! The screenshots in this article are from Clipchamp for personal accounts. The same principles apply to Clipchamp for work and school accounts."

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An image of a user creating a video transcript.

Want to quickly transcribe video to text without downloading any external software? With Microsoft Clipchamp, you can generate a video transcript in any language and download your .SRT file securely. Simply upload a video with audio, or turn add an AI voiceover or voice recording into an editable video transcript.

Transcribing video to text is an essential step that makes videos accessible and engaging to viewers. It can also be useful to upload on YouTube and create related marketing content like blogs.

Learn how to transcribe video and audio to text for free, and how to download a video transcript in Clipchamp video editor.

How to transcribe video to text in Clipchamp

Step 1. Import videos or record a video

To import your own videos and audio, click on the import media button in the your media tab on the toolbar to browse your computer files, or connect your OneDrive. 

Note: Your video must include voice audio to successfully convert video to text and audio to text using the subtitle generator.

A user importing assets in Clipchamp.

You can also use the transcription function on any video or audio that's recorded inside the video editor. Click on the record & create tab on the toolbar, then select screen and camera, camera, screen, audio recording, or text to speech.

A user clicking on the record and create tab.

Drag and drop your media onto the timeline.

An image of a user adding a video to the timeline.

Step 2. Transcribe video to text for free

To transcribe video to text or audio to text, click on the captions icon in the video preview to turn on autocaptions. Alternatively, click on the captions tab on the property panel, then click transcribe media button.

An image of a user clicking on the captions tab then turning on autocaptions.

A popup window will appear with AI transcript options. Here, you can select which language you would like to use, and filter any profanity and offensive language by checking the box. When you’re ready to transcribe video using AI, click on the transcribe media button.

Note: For more information about what languages are supported with the video to text and free audio transcription feature, look at the full list of languages here.

An image of a user selecting a language, filtering profanity and clicking on the transcribe media button.

You will automatically return to the editor and see your subtitle text and video transcript generating in the captions tab on the property panel. The transcription generation time will depend on how strong your internet connection is, the speed of connection, and the total length of your video.

Step 3. Review and edit your video to text transcript

Captions will appear on the video preview, along with a video transcription on the property panel once they have successfully generated.

While the video to text transcription software is highly accurate, there’s a small chance that some words may be misspelt. Make sure to review your video transcription on the property panel. If you need to make any changes to your video transcript, just type over the existing word to replace with the correct spelling.

An image of the transcript and captions circled.

Step 4. Personalize the font, color and size (optional)

Click on your captions on the video preview to open up different options on the property panel. Next, click on the text tab on the property panel. Here, you can edit the font, size, alignment, and colors.

You can explore advanced text settings such as letter spacing and shadows, which can make subtitles easier to view. We suggest using a contrasting color to your video background but avoiding colors like red and yellow to ensure video accessibility.

A user editing the font and color of subtitles in Clipchamp.

Step 5. Download your .SRT file transcript

If you would like to download your video to text transcript to your device, click on the download captions (SRT) button on the property panel.

An image of a user downloading a video transcript.

Your video transcription will automatically start to download onto your device in .SRT file format. You can find your video transcript in your downloads folder.

Need more help with how to transcribe video to text for free? Head over to our YouTube channel to watch a detailed how-to video on video to text transcription.

How to transcribe a YouTube video 

If you want to learn how to transcribe YouTube video to text using AI, follow these four steps below.

  1. Import your YouTube video to Clipchamp video editor, then drag and drop your video or audio file onto the timeline.

  2. Click on the captions tab on the property panel, then click on the turn on autocaptions button

  3. A popup window will appear with video to text options. Select a language, filter profanity, and click the transcribe media button to start transcribing YouTube videos. 

  4. Your YouTube video transcript will automatically start downloading within the captions tab on the property panel.

7 reasons to transcribe video to text

  • Easily make your videos and YouTube content more accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community, ensuring inclusivity.

  • Video to text transcriptions can improve usability as specific content within your video or YouTube video can be easily searched within the transcript.

  • Quickly repurpose video transcripts into blogs, articles, or even social media posts to widen your user reach and community.

  • Improve SEO and boost your visibility in search by creating video transcripts that can be indexed more effectively.

  • Create an easier way to learn for those who aren't native in your language. Users can follow along to your video with text to better understand context and what's being shared, such as in video podcasts.

  • Generate a video transcript for free to efficiently serve as an official recording or document for legal and compliance purposes.

  • Use video transcripts to help script your videos for social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

Frequently asked questions

Is transcribing video to text free in Clipchamp?

Converting videos to text and transcript generation is free for all users of Clipchamp video editor. You can also download your transcript as an .SRT file for free as well.

What language can I convert my video to text in?

There are a huge variety of languages to choose from when converting video to text or audio to text. Select from popular languages like French, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish, and so much more. Take a look at our full list of languages here to start creating a transcription for your video.

Do video transcripts have a word limit?

There is no word limit when converting your video to text. We recommend transcribing videos or audio that have a maximum duration of 10 minutes to avoid long processing times.

Who can access the data for my video transcript?

No one has access to the data when converting your video to text or audio to text. Microsoft Automatic Speech Recognition involves no human intervention, meaning no one will have access to the audio at any time.

Want to find more reasons to convert video to text? Check out create transcripts in Microsoft applications and explore how to get a podcast transcript.

Transcribe video to text today with Clipchamp or download the Clipchamp Windows app.

Start creating free videos with Clipchamp