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5 Genius ways to repurpose content and multiply your reach

Posted June 7, 2021
Written by Kashyap Trivedi

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The average social media post has a short shelf life and this means sometimes the best of your content can go unseen. How can you make the best of the high-quality content you've created? Enter content repurposing- a type of content strategy to help you create more value from your existing content.

Let's dive into the benefits and five really clever ways to repurpose your content and multiply your reach.

Content repurposing defined

Real talk: have you planning content based on quality or quantity? If you're planning for higher volume because it brings higher visibility, you're likely churning fresh content every day. Over time, this can get tiring and the quality of your content may take a hit. With content repurposing, you can create more value from a single piece of content by publishing it in multiple content formats. Here's how content repurposing can work for your brand or business.

How content repurposing works

Image Source: Business2Community

Always begin with an idea and a clear target audience. Turn the idea into an outline of the key messages. Use the outline to set the direction for your content pieces. For example, you can start by creating a text-heavy blog. Adjust the same outline with copywriting to create an infographic that requires less text and more imagery. Next, the same infographic can be broken down into sections that can be presented as a deck. The deck can be further turned into an animated video by animating the components in the deck, or creating an illustrative video while having the text. 

Isn’t it amazing how a single piece of content can take the form of multiple content formats?

Here's why marketers love content repurposing

1. Amp up content production

When a single piece of content or an idea can be turned into several pieces of content in diverse formats, it helps marketers amp up content production without having to spend time generating new content from scratch. 

2. More visibility for old content

Content repurposing can shine a spotlight on older pieces of content that might have got buried amid new content. Repurposing an old blog that's relevant could help refresh its visibility into a new format. Sharing a blog image on social media can help drive more traffic to the original content and in the process, drive more traffic to your website.

3. Multiply content reach

Through content repurposing, marketers can activate a multi-channel reach of their content. This means they're also increasing chances of retention and potential conversions. It's like Seth Godin said, “delivering your message in different ways, over time, not only increases retention and impact, but it gives you the chance to describe what you’re doing from several angles".

5 genius ways to repurpose your content 

Female hands showing tablet computer with essential blogging terms on screen against pink background

1. Turn customer conversations into testimonials

Your business might have lots of happy customers, but not every customer would be interested to provide a public testimonial praising your business. 

Sales and support teams are in conversation with existing customers all the time. Why not benefit from this data? Sales and support calls are recorded for multiple reasons, such as educational purposes and product improvements.

These conversations can also be useful for marketing teams. Simply ask for permission from your customers if you'd like to use parts of recorded conversation in marketing activities. Remember to be very careful about consent and give your customers an opportunity to review the final marketing material before you go live with it. A message like the following can be a transparent way to ask for their permission:

“John, thanks for answering our feedback questions. As you know, we are recording this session. Would you mind if we use parts of our discussion as your official customer testimonial? We'll definitely share the final version of the testimonial with you before it goes live on our website.”

One way to communicate with customers is using live video chat software. Almost every business uses a live chat now, and video communication is also gaining a lot of popularity. When your support reps take customer feedback face-to-face, you can get a lot of unique content where customers are genuinely appreciating your product.

On another note, if you'd like to request a testimonial from an existing customer but they're worried about how they can make one for you easily, why not suggest an easy free online webcam recorder tool.

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2. Turn large content into micro-content

So, your webinar was interesting to watch but not too many people could join when you were live? Simply record these sessions, edit your Zoom recording and upload them on YouTube.  As a step forward, you can divide these large videos into small educational videos that can be feature-specific. For example, large product demo webinars can turn into short feature demo videos.

That isn't the only example of turning a large content into micro-content. You can turn pieces of podcasts into Instagram posts or TikToks. Take a look at how FreshBooks accounting software does that using their popular podcast “I Make A Living”. FreshBooks takes interesting parts of conversations from the podcast and posts them on its official Instagram page as small audio clips. That only helps existing content reach a new audience, but can also drive new listeners to the podcast from Instagram. Alternatively, you can take multiple blogs about a topic and create a pillar page, especially if your content is technical. Levison Enterprises, an electronic assembly manufacturer, repurposed their blogs to create an easy-to-digest pillar page.


Image Source: FreshBooks Instagram

Another great way to turn large content into micro-content is by providing Tweet options in your blog posts or guest posts.

Twitter Acquire

Image Source: Acquire

3. Turn infographics into slideshows

Infographics are a popular content format but creating a single infographic demands a lot of planning! To get the best return, infographics can be repurposed as slides or decks. With a little bit of tinkering, it's possible to turn long infographics into a deck of many slides. These slides can then be shared on multiple image-sharing or slide-sharing websites. This helps your content get great exposure. In fact, any useful visuals you add to your blog post can be a slide deck. Using free graphic design software can help you in creating visually appealing infographics for your slides. Take a look at how Venngage turned this post on heart disease into a series of LinkedIn Slides:

Turn infographics into slideshows

4. Turn blogs into Quora answers

The keyword research, the writing, the editing, the publishing, and distribution...writing and creating a blog can be an intense process. It's common knowledge that the goal of any blog, like a sports blog for example, is to drive traffic and increase brand awareness. If you let your blog content live only on one platform, the volume of traffic it can get gets restricted. A clever way to repurpose your blog content is to turn your blogs into Quora answers. Quora is a popular Q&A forum and an amazing source to generate new traffic. Here experts in every field answer questions. In other words, the content on Quora is usually very high quality.

Simply create a blurb of your blog post, like an extended outline covering major points.

You can turn a 1000-word article into a 100-word Quora answer and include a link to the actual blog post at the end so anyone interested can read it in detail.

5. Repurposing videos on social media platforms

Making a video well involves thinking about a concept, drawing up a storyboard, recording visuals or selecting stock footage, adding a voiceover, editing in captions, the list goes on. So when you create a video, you'd want to make sure it reaches the largest audience.

So in case of video, you can simply post it as it is. For example, every line of your explainer video is needed for value creation, so don't take away from it by editing it. Wix created a funny ad about conflicting website plugins. The brand shared it across Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube without any edits or modifications, and it still worked well. Humor is humor, irrespective of social media platforms, right?

Give your content more purpose

Use content repurposing strategically to improve the ROI of your content marketing efforts. Help your business generate more traffic and leads from what exists. Keep experimenting and we're sure you'll find the right mix for your business.

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