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How to drive sales with powerful video client testimonials

Posted July 16, 2021
Written by Lana Sciasci

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    Looking for ways to improve your marketing and sales? Exploring the power of video testimonials across the sales process is the perfect starting point. With an eye watering 88% of customers stating they trust online testimonials as much as recommendations from family or friends, it’s almost paramount to any businesses success to utilize this as best as possible.

    Video client testimonials are an incredible sales tool to give marketers the means to engage with customers in a new and compelling way, also forming a better customer relationship in the process. It may seem like a lot more work scripting and shooting a video versus a quickly-typed testimonial, but knowing the impact video will have is an invaluable difference. And to make things even more simple, we’ve partnered with VideoAsk, a platform that allows you to interact face-to-face with your audience & build stronger business relationships. Let’s deep dive into why customer testimonial videos are so important, step through how to create them using VideoAsk and Clipchamp, and run through the perfect set of questions you can start to ask your customers.

    Let’s jump straight in. What is a client testimonial?

    By definition, client testimonials are quotes from ongoing customers that describe how a specific service or product has satisfied them. They’re typically rather brief and straight to the point, and can come in many forms, but more often than not the most successful is word of mouth.

    Why do client testimonials matter?

    Using video testimonials is a powerful way to add proof, rather than promise, to your product. That’s because people rely on customer testimonials to influence their buying decisions by adding an element of social proof and creating trust in the brand. How? Consumers trust user reviews because they’ve experienced the product or service for themselves and provide an honest review.

    Roadblocks in collecting good client testimonials

    It’s no secret that it’s hard for businesses to collect testimonials in the first place, as a lot of the time consumers can hold back from sharing their opinions that actually drive value to your business. Aside from that, businesses are currently using inefficient methods like sending out impersonal survey forms which generate low open rates.

    This is where VideoAsk comes in. It can be tough to get someone to say something on camera for your business, but with the right tools, questions, and prompts, you can actually guide the users easily and efficiently which can in turn drive sales and leads. VideoAsk is designed to help people share their experiences, and say the right things that actually matter and will enable social proof. In short, VideoAsk knows that faces build trust.

    How can businesses create client testimonials with VideoAsk and Clipchamp?

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    “Happy customers speak volumes, so let them”. Simply put, VideoAsk allows you to get face-to-face with your prospects, customers or audience through video, and adds that interpersonal, human aspect lacking in more traditional methods.

    VideoAsk and Clipchamp can work together in a few different ways. You could start in Clipchamp, create your video questions, export them to save and import them into VideoAsk to start your testimonial requests. The other workflow is to jump right in and create your VideoAsk account, create your own video, download and edit in Clipchamp (don’t forget to add a fun intro and outro!), then share your VideoAsk requesting testimonials by embedding it in emails or texts, or just share the link. In one click, respondents can answer. Done and dusted. VideoAsk even allows you to collect all video testimonials in the same place, in the same format. Oh, and they’re already transcribed for you.

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    Questions to ask for great customer testimonials

    Prompting your audience to provide the answers that are valuable to your business can actually be a simple task. Here are some of VideoAsks best question prompts to use for product testimonials: Tip-don’t wait until the end to ask for a testimonial, ask at multiple points, ask when excitement is peak, and avoid asking "Why" questions.

    1. What were you doing before using <product/service name>, what problems were you facing?

    2. What problem does <product/service name> solve for you?

    3. Can you explain what excites you about <product/service name>?

    4. What do you use <product/service name> to do? 5. What are the benefits of using <product/service name>, share any stats if you have them?

    6. How has using <product/service name> changed your day to day work activities?

    7. What do you hope to achieve by using <product/service name>?

    8. Describe <product/service name> in a sentence (30seconds max)”

    If you’re wanting more, check out this video explaining the key elements of a successful testimonial video.

    Lastly, how can you personalize your client testimonial requests?

    Here are three tips from VideoAsk to create a message that’s more engaging, more personal and more you:

    1. Express yourself

    Our brains are hardwired to read faces. Look right down the lens, try different angles, and keep your whole face within the screen.

    2. Think about your surroundings

    Lights, camera, action - in that order. Somewhere interesting? Give your audience a peek. If not, keep the background clean and focus on your face. You don’t need a fancy set up, and you can even use Clipchamp’s webcam video recorder and editor to make things easier.

    3. Use the teleprompter

    Also known as Speaker Notes. Write your script and it’ll appear for you to read as you record.

    Give video testimonials a go

    Sign up to VideoAsk and import your videos into Clipchamp to edit and publish your content.

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