Video Marketing

How to win clients through social media videos

Posted May 19, 2021
Written by String Nguyen

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This blog is authored by String Nguyen, a Clipchamp video champion.

Do you want to know how to win more clients and potential customers through social media videos? Set your business apart from the others by developing tailored, authentic and entertaining social media videos. Being a video influencer myself, I’m here to tell you how I have won my current clients through social media videos and continue to generate new engagement every day.

How to win clients through social media videos - Clipchamp x String

Read on to learn about how I plan my video content, my video ideas to get noticed by potential customers, and how to use call-to-actions and emojis to engage your audience.

What sets my videos apart from other online businesses?

Right now, anyone who has knowledge can use it to position themselves as an authority using video. 

The point of difference between me and other online businesses is that I create videos consistently. I push a video out weekly, whether the video is about my work or what I’m thinking about right now at the moment.

Video is a trust accelerator—that’s why I publish consistently and build trust with my followers who tend to reach out and want to work with me.

I have found being my true authentic self in my videos always gives me the best feedback. On the odd occasion, I like to share some behind-the-scenes Reels where I’ve forgotten my lines. This shows my viewers’ vulnerability and displays the type of person I truly am. Not everyone is perfect. It’s now old-school thinking that you need to look extremely professional in videos. Forget it!

So, it doesn’t matter what the video content entails, as long as something on brand is released consecutively, it keeps me top-of-mind among my followers and potential customers. If you’re a solopreneurs, consultants, coaches, thought leaders or experts, you too should be using videos as a way to transfer knowledge and create leads.

String feature

My video marketing plan: How I plan my content 

Brainstorming ideas to suit each platform

My video stack is varied. I start with a pen and paper to create outlines for my video ideas. Using Notion helps me map them out more clearly. I’m always reverse-engineering the purpose of the video before I create that is I think about what the video will exist. There’s a misconception that one video suits all platforms. If it’s a LinkedIn video, I aim to transfer knowledge in a way that’s evergreen in 60 seconds. 

If it’s an Instagram Reel or TikTok video, then I think about how to entertain people in 60 seconds.

Planning ideas in advance is important because video is a top-of-the-funnel sales tool. It can create conversations for business owners and solopreneurs to build relationships and connect with potential customers, who then later go to the website and book a call to work with you. That’s why you want to orchestrate a story before filming so you can stand out from other online businesses. 

Developing a doable routine

I time block to help me focus. Sundays are usually spent brainstorming and I tend to always film on Tuesdays where I designate the afternoon to film, edit and review. 

I tailor videos for different social media platforms and always film my videos on my smartphone. 

When you formulate a routine or specific process, it can be done really efficiently. Developing and sticking to my video content routine helps me manage my time as I have to run my own business as well.

How I use call-to-actions on videos to generate leads 

Call-to-actions or CTAs are known to be important for any sales content. They can be about actions (“book now”), free stuff (“claim your free X”), or even based on FOMO (Fear of missing out) effect (“sale ends midnight”). It’s important to write them well and there are online guides to learn how to write a good CTA. 

But in my opinion, one should avoid having too many call-to-actions on your video content. Sometimes you don’t need to have a call-to-action as it can be a bit aggressive or unnecessary. 

I usually use a soft call-to-action in the form of text or annotations. For example, I use “Follow @StringStory for more tips and advice” at the end of my video or in the caption box.  

How I use emojis to increase my video engagement 

You can also generate leads by playing an emoji game in the comments to increase engagement on your video post. You can ask your followers to leave an emoji in the comments if they’re interested. Reach out to people personally and start a conversation with them or provide a free report. 

I personally love using “Leave a fried chicken emoji in the comments if you want [something]". Emoji comments increase engagement on video posts and are positive for the social media algorithm. 

My video ideas to get noticed by potential customers 

Video idea 1: Knowledge bomb videos

Create knowledge bombs on LinkedIn. Knowledge bombs are 60 second long videos of educational and evergreen content. LinkedIn is a platform where organic growth still works very well, so when you post such a video, you’ll pop up in people’s feeds. These new viewers will then go and check out your LinkedIn profile or business page. That’s how you can use videos to start the conversation funnel and win clients. It’s amazing for personal branding, and anyone can utilize LinkedIn Stories to start with videos on the platform.

Video idea 2: Personalized video DMs

Another strategy is to send personalized videos into user DMs. This way you can stand out and authentically communicate with your audience. 

This strategy is super authentic and shows you took 30 seconds out of your time to really communicate with the individuals. If they do open your DM, they will receive your energy and that’s what I like about videos.  

Video Idea 3: Video cover story

LinkedIn makes it easier than ever for you to build your personal brand with this new video cover story feature. While it’s targeted to job seekers as a video resume but the feature can be used well even if you’re a consultant, coach or freelancer.

Here's some more byte-sized advice to get you started on your video marketing journey.

Jump on the video train

60 seconds of vertical video is on-trend right now so you can update your video marketing strategy with that. Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are trying to keep up with TikTok which is leading the category right now. Always do your research before committing to a new platform—learn about the ROI of videos on TikTok vs Instagram first.

In order to win clients through my social media video, I always need to plan my video content and adapt to the specific platform I will be posting on. 

Likewise, develop a unique routine that suits you and stick to it. If you want to create creative videos quickly and easily, check out Clipchamp’s online video editor. Don’t overdo your videos with too many overpowering call-to-actions, have fun with your content, be your authentic self and the clients will generate themselves.

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