Video Production Tips

Our Guide to Online Personal Training Using Zoom 

Posted April 20, 2020
Written by Lana Sciasci

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Our Guide to Online Personal Training Using Zoom

Social distancing is transforming the way we work, even for those free from the office grind. Personal trainers, whose “office” was once the park, the gym or even a backyard are now confined to their homes too. So, how do you perform such a hands on job when you’re forced to be hands off? 

Professional trainers are embracing online personal training and they’re using video to do it. One of the most popular platforms for virtual fitness sessions is Zoom, the video conference tool once used exclusively in corporate offices and now used by workers worldwide. 

Among other benefits, Zoom allows you to use virtual backgrounds – so if you’re a personal trainer and your home isn’t a match for that shiny new gym, you can replace it with high quality stock footage. Here at Clipchamp we’ve been busy creating Zoom video background templates for all workers including personal trainers. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing our Guide to Online Personal Training Using Zoom and our new collection of Zoom video background templates made for personal trainers.

What is online personal training?

Online personal training is nothing new, professionals like Kayla Itsines have been using video for years to reach customers all over the world. Over on YouTube, exercise videos are an incredibly popular video topic.  However, for the most part, online personal training has come in the form of pre-recorded videos. 

In our current climate, where personal connection is more important than ever, live video sessions on Zoom are in high demand. Live workouts also offer the benefit of real-time feedback so you can correct and guide your clients throughout the class – this improves performance and reduces the risk of injury for less experienced clients.  

Our top tips for online personal training 

Make space

Ensure you have an appropriate space to hold your Zoom calls by taking into consideration the exercises you’ll be guiding your client through. Make sure the laptop or phone you’ll be using for your Zoom call is set up in a suitable position that can fit your whole body in the frame. 

Bring the right equipment

If your personal training session involves equipment like weights or exercise balls, have them close by. Doing this will help you avoid an off-camera search for essential equipment and give you more time with your client. 

Dress for a successful session 

It’s important to maintain a sense of normalcy with your clients, so dress in what you normally would for an in-person session. Make sure you’re comfortable in your outfit to avoid distracting adjustments during your session.

Communicate with your client 

All of the above tips are for you AND your clients to follow. Ensure that you communicate these with them prior to your Zoom personal training sessions to keep complications to a minimum.

Our top tips for online personal training

Clipchamp Zoom video backgrounds for online personal training 

Follow the link below to check out our Zoom Video Backgrounds for Personal Training template collection. If you’ve never used a Zoom video background before or need a refresher, check out our guide to How to Use Video Backgrounds in Zoom for step-by-step instructions.

Need more info?

It’s now simpler than ever to import and edit Zoom recordings with Clipchamp.

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