Video Marketing

3 ways to reduce awkwardness in virtual meetings and online sales calls 

Posted August 23, 2021
Written by Ritika Tiwari

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Are you tired of the awkward silences and shifty eye contact during virtual meetings and online sales calls? It’s no secret they can get pretty awkward at times, especially if you or your prospects are unsure where to take the conversation next. Virtual calls are the new way of communication, but most of us have been thrown in the deep end with little instruction on how to best present ourselves. 

Learn the best ways to reduce awkwardness during your virtual calls with Clipchamp's top 3 strategies.

Online sales calls CC thumbnail

How to make your virtual meeting and online sales call less awkward

It’s extremely common for people to stay silent during group virtual conversations as they’re usually waiting for someone else to speak first. We all avoid talking over people to be polite, but that can turn into awkwardness instead. 

So, how can you make prospects feel comfortable during online sales calls and virtual meetings?

Let’s take a look at 3 ways to make virtual conversations less awkward. 

1. Schedule a video-on call

One way to ensure your conversation flows well is to let your prospects know in advance that you'd appreciate them turning their video on during the virtual call. If you don’t prep your prospects, turning on their webcam can become quite daunting as they weren’t prepared (and may even still be in their pyjamas) so avoid any surprises.

Make them feel comfortable by explaining why you'd like to use video during your virtual chat. Wondering what's the point of turning on video during an online sales call? Video calls can increase your chances of closing a sale by over 15-20%. Video makes it a lot easier for products to be showcased in their natural light, as well as to view prospects body language to see if they’re understanding what you’re saying. Being able to see your prospect’s expressions and body language means you can adapt to their needs and expectations, making the conversation more effective and close more deals. 

Make sure to inform them ahead of time though!

1. Schedule a video-on call

2. Walk prospects through pre-recorded product demos

Shoppers who view a demo video are 1.8 times more likely to purchase non-viewers, making live or pre-recorded demo videos the perfect feature to add to your virtual calls. 

Live demo video of your product paired with a well thought out script can add value to your video call. Prospects can see the product live in action, making them more likely to follow through with their purchase. 

Pre-recorded demo videos are effective, time-efficient and ensure your virtual one-on-one meetings stays on track and no key elements are forgotten.

Adding a video element to your virtual chat allows your brand to answer questions your prospects might have in real-time.

If you're not sure how to start creating a product demo video, try Clipchamp’s free online video editor which has thousands of ready-to-use templates to get you started.

Clipchamp’s ready-to-use video templates

Clipchamp’s easy-to-use interface and advanced editing features let's you make sales videos in just a few clicks. All you have to do is personalize the template with your brand logo and colors and add in your product footage.

Screenshot of the Clipchamp video editor. A 2:3 aspect ratio video is being edited on the timeline with video clips, text, and transitions.

3. Research your prospect in advance

One of the best ways to make your virtual meeting less awkward is to be prepared. Research your new prospect’s company and their business requirements so you have an idea of what you want to say in your meeting.

Your new knowledge can help show familiarity and build trust in your sales process too. 

Browse through their LinkedIn profile to gain a proper insight into who you're speaking to. You should be able to find what their company is all about, their goals and their main challenges. This might help the unwanted awkwardness disappear.

3. Research your prospect in advance

Clipchamp's bonus tip: remember to ask questions

Sales calls and virtual meetings aren’t just about promoting your product. They’re to build an understanding of your prospect’s requirements and what they’re looking for. Asking open-ended questions is a great way to gain insight into their needs and desires. If you don’t ask, you'll simply never know the answer. 

Prepare 3-4 open-ended questions ahead of time before your meeting starts to make the Q&A time a little easier. This will make you appear to be more confident and interested in your prospect. 

Start hosting engaging virtual meetings

We hope these 3 tips will work for you.

If your prospect has agreed to take part in a virtual meeting or online sales call, they’re likely to be already interested in your product or service. Take advantage of virtual meetings to learn more about your prospect, and they'll learn more about you. 

Video might just be the element your virtual meeting is lacking to make the final sale so don't forget to add product demo videos to your next online sales call with the help of Clipchamp online video editor.

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