Video Marketing

Top 5 Video Presentation Ideas for your Business

Posted February 4, 2021
Written by Ritika Tiwari

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We now live in a digital world with a growing remote workforce and an increasing number of online customers. But just because physical interactions have become rather limited does not mean that face to face interactions have to be limited as well. 

You can incorporate video presentations in different verticals of your business to add a personal touch to your brand and ensure both your employees as well as customers are always engaged. 

For example, by using an online video editor to convert big documents into simplified video presentations, it’s possible to make the same information more understandable and digestible to people such as with demo videos.

Businesswomen delivering a presentation on computer screen - Top 5 Video Presentation Ideas for your Business - Clipchamp Blog

Stuck on what video ideas would suit your business the best? We’ve curated the best videos to help you get started now. 

Video Idea 1: Sales videos 

Video presentations can help you create a more compelling sales process with a human touch to it. Moreover, videos give you more control over how much time viewers spend over every piece of information present in your sales pitch. If they are watching a video about your product, they can’t just quickly gloss over the important points that you really want them to focus on.

Here are a few tips to help you come up with winning sales video presentation ideas:

Customize the video according to the customer

When you have a potential customer on the line, you want to show them that you have done all the homework possible to offer them a solution that is tailored specifically to their business needs. That is why it's always a great idea to customize your video presentation according to the target customers. While it can seem like a huge hassle to create videos from scratch every time you have a new lead, you can use video templates to save both time and effort. 

Personalize the sales interactions

Add more personality to your sales video by adding a video recording of your own, talking about the product. Your video recordings can go a long way especially when you are handling leads online with no way to meet them face to face. You can use a webcam recorder to quickly record and edit videos, and add them to your sales presentation.

Video Idea 2: Product demo video 

Over 72 percent of people prefer to watch a video to learn about a product or a service instead of sitting through a long in-store demo. 

Product demos are a simple yet very effective tool for showing the potential of your products to prospective customers. With the majority of brands and stores taking the eCommerce route, product demos have become more important than ever. 

The right demo video presentation gives your customers the opportunity to understand how your products work and get more information about them before deciding to make a purchase. It can not only lead to higher sales but also decrease the number of returns. 

An image of a product demo video in Clipchamp on a laptop.

Here are some tips for great product demo video presentation ideas:

  • Identify the target audience and the main goal for your video 

  • Discuss the key features of the product that you want to highlight in the video 

  • Film your product demo to showcase your product. (For physical products, you can shoot them with a good quality camera. In case you are planning to create a product demo for software or SaaS tool, you can use a screen recording tool to create a video)

  • Use video editing software to produce your product demo. In case you don’t have enough footage for your video presentation, you can also use some stock footage

Video Idea 3: Investor pitch video

While there is more funding available now more than ever for startups, there is also a lot more competition. A video presentation pitch can help you stand apart from the crowd and make a great first impression in front of investors. 

You can create self-recorded video pitches to share your innovative vision with investors. A video can help bring life to your business idea and it can be the perfect way to share your journey as well as your passion with the investors in an engaging and dynamic way. 

Video presentations help you build a personal connection with investors before you even get the opportunity to meet them.

Here are some topics to make your investor pitch video presentation even better: 

  • Start with a story to grab the viewer’s attention

  • Describe the problem that your business is trying to solve

  • Explain how widespread the problem is in order to showcase your potential market reach

  • Go into detail about how your product or services can help resolve the problem 

  • Make an ask for funding in a compelling way

Video Idea 4: Employee onboarding 

Giám đốc nhân sự tạo video giới thiệu trình bày trước camera- 5 Ý tưởng trình bày video hàng đầu cho doanh nghiệp của bạn - Clipchamp Blog

Over 20 percent of employee turnover happens in the very first 45 days of the job. When employees quit this early into their new job, it is usually because of ineffective or incorrect onboarding practices that fail to explain to employees how they can provide value to the company or how the company can provide them with the right opportunities. 

Instead of using dry communication techniques like text-heavy PDFs or multiple page PPTs that most employees just gloss over, you can create engaging onboarding video presentations for every stage of onboarding

With the right combination of audio and visuals, you can keep the new employees interested while ensuring that they are able to learn all the important information about the company and successfully manage their roles. 

Here are a few things you should keep in mind when creating employee onboarding videos:

  • Add a welcome video to convey the company’s mission and the goal of the onboarding process

  • Share company information with new employees in order to reinforce their decision to join the company and make them feel more excited about their new job 

  • Showcase your company culture to better explain what new employees can expect

  • Create brief how-to videos to get new employees comfortable with the technology and tools used within the company 

Video Idea 5: Internal communication and training 

In most organizations, managers need to communicate internally with their team to provide information about important events like procedural or policy changes. Using video presentations for internal communication and training can ensure employees retain all the information that they need. 

Here are a few video presentation ideas for internal training and communication:

  • Convert reports and presentations into digestible and engaging videos so that everyone can understand them easily 

  • A set of how-to videos for troubleshooting the most common IT issues that employees usually face to save the time of the IT department

  • Create compliance and privacy-related videos to explain to employees all the privacy measures that they should take on an everyday basis

  • Share videos addressing workplace harassment, occupational hazards, and other important issues in order to maintain a safe work environment for everyone.

Find the right video editor to save time 

While it may seem like creating video presentations can end up eating a big chunk of your valuable time, finding the right video presentation maker can make all the difference and actually help you save time.

Clipchamp is a video editing software with a simple interface and customizable video templates that make the entire process of creating videos and coming up with video presentation ideas as easy as clicking a few buttons. It allows you to split, crop, combine, and rotate videos. You can even use the webcam recorder to quickly record yourself and add it to your main presentation. It's also possible to add filters, transitions, backgrounds, and other media to your video presentations

Sign up to Clipchamp today to improve your work culture and take your business to new heights.

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