Video Marketing

Sell More with Real Estate Video Marketing

Posted February 3, 2020
Written by Lana Sciasci

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Real estate video marketing

Video marketing is a great tool for any business and, in real estate, video is essential!

With online videos, you can show off a property to someone wherever they are – inviting them inside so they can start imagining their life in a new home before even setting foot inside.

In our comprehensive guide below we’ll explain:

  • The benefits of online video.

  • The best types of videos to promote your real estate business.

  • How to get started quickly with video templates.

Why real estate videos work

If you’re still on the fence about the benefits of online video for your real estate business, cast your eyes over these stats:

  • Online video attracts 300% more website traffic overall and is more effective for nurturing leads.

  • Real estate listings with video content get 400% more responses than listings without video.

  • According to Century 21, property listings with videos sell 27% faster than other listings.

  • Videos boost peoples’ understanding of your products and services by 74%.

  • Whether selling or buying homes, 85% of people prefer agents who use real estate videos – probably because they know about these statistics.

  • A marketing survey by Virtuance Real Estate Photography revealed that most real estate agents are interested in using videos as part of their real estate marketing strategy. Stay ahead of your competition!

The bottom line is – video is great for your bottom line!

The most effective real estate videos

It’s important to make the right type of content to promote your business. Here’s a quick guide to some of the best videos to create for real estate video marketing.

Neighbourhood Guides

This may not be the first type of video you make – documenting a neighbourhood on film is more of a challenge than showcasing a property – but it’s number one on our list for two big reasons:

  1. People are just as concerned with the neighbourhood a house is in as the property itself. In fact, many people will compromise on property features if it means they get their dream location.

  2. Buyers who use online video to choose properties focus on videos about the local area 86% of the time.

Talk to local business owners and school principals – they will often be happy to do video interviews with you, and these can form the backbone of your video. Combine these interviews with footage of local restaurants, schools, and retail stores and you’ll have a compelling profile of the area.

If the parks, creeks, and other natural features are big selling points, you can feature idyllic footage of these like in this video about a suburb in Melbourne, Australia.

You can also include information about low crime rates, good job opportunities, local events, and anything else that makes the neighbourhood shine.

Property listings

Property listing videos are the most common real estate videos and they’re highly effective. 

As we mentioned above, properties with videos in their listings get inquiries at four times the rate of other listings and it’s easy to see why. Being able to get a comprehensive overview of a property before you set foot in it is really helpful for prospective buyers. They’ll appreciate the convenience – and the effort – and reward you with leads.

For high-end real estate it’s worth hiring a professional videographer but you’ll usually be better off doing things yourself. 

For low budgets, you can simply combine property photos into a video montage with music, captions, and voiceover. With a medium budget, you can get some good equipment and make very slick real estate videos all on your own. We have some templates for good real estate videos, like this one.

Some tips for getting it right:

  • Add a voiceover – many real estate videos simply feature music and text. By adding a voiceover or even appearing on-screen you can create a welcoming tone and let viewers get to know you as well as the property.

  • Add captions with essential info, such as:

    • Price.

    • Square footage.

    • Lot size.

    • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

  • Keep your video to about two minutes, and definitely not longer than three minutes. Online attention spans are short so don’t let people get bored!

  • When you film the inside of the house, take a natural path that feels intuitive to viewers. Imagine you live in the property and move through the house as if you’ve just come home from work, for example:

    • Front door and hall.

    • Living room.

    • Kitchen.

    • Bathroom.

    • Study.

    • Bedroom.

One great way to get really eye-catching visuals is with drone footage. Drones are surprisingly affordable and the production value they give you is well worth the investment. 

Introduce yourself and your team

Buying a home is a deeply personal decision and people want to know who they’re buying from. 

Creating videos that showcase your personality, passions, and even your eccentricities is an excellent way to make potential buyers more likely to contact you and trust you. You can also create introduction videos for all your staff. That way, whoever people deal with at your business, they’re a familiar face! A complementary option here is to run a blog with useful articles for potential buyers incl. choosing a good blog name as a first step.

Video introductions are also great because they only need to be made once. Post them on your website, social media, and YouTube and they’ll act as the virtual face of your business.

Here’s an example from a US real estate company that introduces a whole team, company, and brand in less than a minute and a half.

360-degree walkthrough videos

360 videos require some fancier gear and more production. But they work wonders for customers, giving them the ability to explore a property at their leisure without leaving home.

Because they’re interactive and still somewhat novel, 360 videos are a great way to boost your social media reach. This is especially true if the property in question has novel features, historical importance, or is especially luxurious.

How-to videos

Ever wondered how to fix something in your car or change the settings on your phone? You probably went straight to YouTube, right?

YouTube is one of the biggest skill-sharing and knowledge-sharing platforms in the world – and that’s great for real estate videos. For example, you could create videos covering:

  • How to fix simple household problems like leaking taps.

  • How to prepare your house to go on the market.

  • Tips for buying or selling a house.

  • Home improvement tips and advice.

  • How to DIY your house paint or choose a painting service in your area.

These are all broad topics and you can break them down into more specific topics to create lots of content. What’s so valuable about these videos is that the kind of people watching them are very likely to be buying or selling a home soon – and they’ll often remember the company that made that helpful video!

The simple way to make real estate videos

So, once you decide what type of video to make, it’s time to get creating. If you’re feeling unsure about how to get started creating videos for your real estate business, don’t worry. You can start out using real estate video templates

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Sign up to Clipchamp

You’ll need a Clipchamp account to use the templates, but signing up is free and easy. You can even use an existing Dropbox, Google or Facebook account to get started quickly.

Clipchamp Create log in

Step 2: Access the real estate video template library

Once you’re signed up, you can navigate to Clipchamp’s video template library from the top menu or else simply follow this link to go straight to real estate video templates.

Clipchamp Create explore real estate video templates.

Step 3: Choose your template

Browse the templates to find one that suits the video you want to create. Once you’ve chosen, click the preview and then select ‘Use this video template’.

Use this template

Step 4: Add your own real estate videography

You’ll now find yourself in Clipchamp’s video editing suite –don’t feel intimidated, read on and you’ll see it’s very simple to use.

This is where you can add your own video content to replace what’s in the template. To do so, simply click ‘add media’ in the left panel of the editor and select your videos from your computer.

Clipchamp Create add real estate video

You can drag and drop files straight into the box or search your computer by clicking ‘browse my files’.

Once your clips are imported, delete each clip you want to replace from the timeline and drag the new clip in.

Clipchamp create delete unwanted footage

Step 5: Update the captions

It’s very important that your video content can be watched without sound as many internet users prefer to watch videos silently.

Clipchamp’s real estate video templates feature pre-written captions that offer a guide for your own. Simply click the captions and update the text.

Clipchamp Create real estate video captions

Step 6: Add music that works for your video

Clipchamp templates all feature quality royalty-free music. If you like what’s there already, you can simply click the audio track to adjust volume, fade-in, and fade-out.

If you’d rather change it to something else, simply delete the track and upload your own. You can also browse Clipchamp’s stock music library to find something that works.

Clipchamp Create adjust audio

Step 7: Export your real estate video

Once you’re happy with your updated video, simply export it and you’re ready to start sharing!

Clipchamp Create real estate video export

Now that you have the tools, it’s time to start creating. If you need some inspiration have a look at these amazing real estate videos. For help with creating and editing your videos, check out the how-to guides on the Clipchamp blog.

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Start creating free videos with Clipchamp